The Log: Last Monday with “Aly”… According to Her! (12-30-2019)

Short Narrative:

This was the last scheduled Monday on Aly’s part and was really unprofessional with her honesty.

Long form:

Aly picked me up around 8:40 (wintery mix in the region). On the ride, Aly asked about the holidays and said it was <OK> Arrived just before 9:00. Staff were late to the office given the weather condition, some brought in clients, some did not. Many were not at the office today.

The decision by me was to stay in the café area while [manager] was in the Conference room. This enabled me to also socialize with others, while Aly was going to be the primary person. I also felt this was the most easiest for all decision. However, Aly spent most of her time handling progress notes, and had socialized amongst the female DSPs. I had talked to “Alex” about the Christmas inherently canceled by the mother and the exchange about the “imaginary girlfriend” reference by the mother. [Sidenote: This was the only other DSP that knew about Melanie, “Aly” did not. I didn’t trust her. I never thought Aly would respect Melanie] 

Near the end, I walked with my notebook bag and remarked “Bye Steven” with a quick tone.

Alex brought me home as she would be going to [job site].  She also stated that she felt it was “unprofessional”, that it was “quick”, “go away”. She also noticed that there had been an overall change since when she first began no less than 2 year ago that “I saw you two work as a team”, etc. Alex also feels the two visits to [my therapist] was a misunderstanding, where Aly may not had understood the sessions were for “to help better communicate” and not “be a therapist”.

Alex strongly suggested that I “stay professional and consistent” at least a number of times on the ride home. We wished each other a Happy New Year with a fist pump.


2 thoughts on “The Log: Last Monday with “Aly”… According to Her! (12-30-2019)

  1. Pingback: The Log: Request to Drop Mondays (12-31-2019) | The Alleged (& Hopeless Autistic)

  2. Pingback: Afterthoughts From the Last Day Program (The Narcissists) | The Alleged, Hopeless & Outspoken Autistic

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