
Update: As of a few hours after posting, things appear to be normal.
I’ve just updated my global WordPress username. You’ll only notice the change, if you see my comments, replies, likes, follows, etc and its tied to my Graviator, the account that links all my WordPress blogs on one account. I believe that this change should be seamless and should had limited disruption to my blogs and my comments on the other WordPress blogs.
I needed to do the changeover, but I feared the admin rights to all of my blogs would potentially get screwed up. I did notice some oddities after the switchover.  This very little change was in part of this was that I feel that there are people I know that are trying to get dirt and knowing a handle that might show my likeness would defeat the purpose of my blog.
I never intend to have an “anonymous” blog. I believe in a semi-annoymous blog by writing in by a first name basis and having the trust and respsonsibility that the information i post is true and hold all responsibilities of my content.
This is being written on my iPad so please excuse the grammar errors as the ipad cant correct with the WP web page.

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