I’ve said before, I don’t have siblings (let alone a father) though I do have some cousins I am familiar with. Some of my cousins could have some characteristics of a sibling. I do often wonder what life would be liked if I had siblings. My mother had asked when I was 10 or so years old, and I said no. Part of it was just the fear of being around a baby, and just any additional fear. At that time I don’t think they had those “new sibling” courses they do today.
Though I wonder about them in a relationship sense as a sibling to sibling. I’ve heard stories about how they would be rivalries, they would compete, they would trash one and another, and the other things I see on the TV and watching the Kardashians series of programs.
Another thing I probe and question is are such relationships as a child change as an adult? I am not sure if many get along as adults, I wonder that. I understand (from my own experiences) that dysfunctional families can start at the adult age (and I hate to say I am one of those people too.)
Once I have more thoughts, I’ll post more on this subject