Middle Aged Women & Public Corruption

I have strong (and rightful) hatred to women of a certain age and their day job working as public employees at ether the local school district and/or educational collaborative that operate as a public sector op.
I’ve learned from these people. Well, they are teachers, they are public servants, so I am under the impression I am supposed to lead by example.  Women tend to be skeptical. They tend to not trust people (no wonder why I am so fucked up) including the boys in the SPED classroom.  They are paranoid. They worry too much. And lastly THEY TEND TO BE PRIVATE! (which really pisses me off about people with tits and cunts.)
As I grew up in the public institutions, I couldn’t stand the overzealous policies on “confidentiality”, “privacy.” I never forget the times where a teacher and another “paraprofessional” would talk near us then say “want to go into that room” then go and close the door and then talk with the blinds wide open. I never was paranoid about teachers talking about me. Well, maybe I lied, at a certain point in my life. Its like the Chicago way of doing business. Lets close the door then talk about things that shouldn’t be talked behind closed doors. Its the underlying factor how these people start to potentially violate public records laws, or to try to play the Privacy Rules of FERPA and HIPPA over the Public’s Right to Know Laws.
These liberal union cunts also thought we were so stupid that if a kid would go crazy in another classroom on the other side of the campus and get CPI restraints, that we didn’t know what was really going on thanks to the Corruption-Enabling (overzealous privacy enabling) Hacks in our schools!
And I wonder why I can’t talk to strangers! Because I was subliminally taught to have behind closed doors conversations with people in private!
I have no respect for women. They corrupt government, and they corrupt society and fuck up the most vulnerable people in society by overprotecting us! I sometimes wonder why in the fuck god created Eve. I suppose god is a filthy old jerk.

3 thoughts on “Middle Aged Women & Public Corruption

  1. And people think autistics can’t be douchebags. Sigh. While I respect that you are perfectly entitled to your own opinions, you are not entitled not to be called out for posting bile in places where it can be seen by the public.
    You haven’t really explained in depth why you feel that way about women, except for generalities. And, without women, men wouldn’t exist.
    Shaking my head here.

    • Andrea,
      Before you start attacking this writer, please comment with the understanding of this blog. If you are a “newbie” I strongly suggest you read this blog from top to bottom (ok – that might be too much to ask for!) but I do suggest you click on the Category “Politics & ASD” and the subcat “Unions and the Special Ed Hacks” to really understand the special education destruction that is majority owned by the liberals, progressive and moonbats.
      Sure if you want to call me a dbag then so be it, its a shame when people disagree, they have to go to the namecalling. How mature is that!
      What do you want to press charges against me for “hate speech”. You can’t do that since I live in the U.S. where (thankfully so far) we don’t have hate speech laws. If we elect Obama again…then I start to get worried about that.
      Why am I generic? Because if I get into more detail then I might get into EVEN more trouble! And I have to keep my honesty and holding these librtards accountable!
      I went to school in the most liberal, progressive states on the East Coast that DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES! They treat people with Asperger Syndrome (WHICH IS NOT AUTISM dammit!) royalty and the PDD-NOS gets treated like SHIT!
      Andrea, you want details – I’ll give you details.
      In Massachusetts, they are a sexist and racist state when they hire people. They hire women just for the sake of hiring women. To hell with them if they are stupid, they just want to hire women because its “cool” to do so. They hire black people just for the same exact sake of hiring them even if they are stupid on the street level. They’ll hire motherly post menopausal hags just for the sake of encouraging the government to coddle them from their cradle to grave – and its the DISABLED people that are getting this treatment first.
      The people that I saw potential corruption was the school district I used to live in, which were mostly female and a certain age and a certain type (again, MIDDLE AGED WOMEN, the empty nest syndrome, often a LIBERAL type and I’ll leave the race out of this subject.)
      I’ll give you even more details:
      Who runs most HHS units for the disabled?
      Women. Women of a certain age.
      Who runs most SPED departments at most school districts?
      Women. Women of a certain age
      Whose in the leadership of advocacy groups, autism groups or other “narrow minded” (special interest) groups?
      Again, women, and some of a certain age.
      You wonder why the autism rates are going up?
      Its because these fucking mother-types want to doctor the numbers so we have EVEN MORE women in the classrooms and fuck up more boys brains and continue to coddle them till their dying days!
      Hence the “WOMAN-made” disorder.
      Where are the men? Where are the “fathers”? Why don’t they roll up the sleeves and man up and put some leadership?
      Cue the crickets!
      I DO NOT post things if I APPEAR to come off as DELUSIONAL. I don’t make shit like this up. If I wrote pretend stories, I’d be at the CBS NEWS HQ on West 57th in NY, doing what i just said. But I am not working at West 57th Street because I want to tell the truth, act as the equal opportunity offender, and report on the liberalism with a “fair and balanced” viewpoint from someone who should be the liberals supposed to believe in, instead they preach on the idea, and not the actuality of the problem. Its the damned hipacracy of these jerks that goes right back to these post menopausal hags that are fucking up the children to have a pathetic adult lifestyles! And this is why I am who I am – a direct product of the Progressive Left.
      Does this help?

    • @Andrea,
      BTW: Everything that gets transmitted out to this blog is intended to be public. Whereas women, tend to be more private, and get easily offended like you. I as a male, like to publicly show my strong frustration as a conservative leaning autistic individual getting demeaned by ugly, liberal, closed minded jerks. I need to publicly disclose how women LIKE TO TEASE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS as public officials! Transparency has gone out of the window thanks to private minded women!
      Women are a disgrace and what I have mentioned should be Federal Crime, and I’d kill these bitches (read: Death Penalty) for their public distrust as public servants. We should lay off the prisons and establish the death penaility to the fullest extent of the law.
      (Sorry, I apparently digress a lot- I hope you understand)

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