Name: Steven (Last name withheld)
Location: In the Granite State of New Hampshire (specific location withheld)
Age: 25
Lives with? My family
Siblings? No
Father in the picture? Not since I was less than 3 years old
Healthy relationship with the Immediate Family? How do you spell “nuclear family”? (I don’t mean by the typical definition of a warm and happy family, I mean by self-destructiing by some of my family!)
Disorders? Yes, I have PDD-NOS, Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified, other wise known unofficially as High Functioning Autism (since its not in the book of labels yet.) Didn’t talk till I was about 4 or so years old and was “slower” than my peers.
Faith? I was essentially born as a Christian. My mother had needless to say “sheltered” me but on the otherhand why go to some service to a skeptical group of people in society? (again the 1990s autism was still barely in common knowledge) At the same time, I’ve lost massive amounts of faith both in God and Christ as I fear of these two are creating damage to the world. Also “religion” (I am using a loose word) is a controversial topic. Its actually so controversial, I can’t even talk to my own mother about it. I can’t remember the last time I had prayed. As perverted as it sounds, I kinda trust in the devil.
Role Models/”Heroes”? No, I’ve learned the ones I did look up up, and ones I knew personally in my life were ether fakes, jerks, or in some cases corrupt. I had gotten burned one too many times by role models who turned out to be a dud sadly to say. Maybe out of the most random people would be Rudy Guliani and Donald Trump, the latter coined the “Leadership” mentality (especially during the early seasons of The Apprentice) and the former who lead America out of the most dreaded day in history 11 years ago. Both are no angels as that should apply to everyone.
Any romantic relationships? None to date. Haven’t kissed anyone yet. I am not as afraid to admit that.
Who was the first crush? First significant one (that people knew) was a girl named “Amanda”* that girl dumped me by 6th grade, but the one who really caused long term wounds was a girl name “Jessica”*, one that I had hid for several years after given the pain (referenced as the hot ticket Italian-type in the Tell All)
*changed for privacy reasons.
Have any hots for the teachers? Yes.
Who was the first teacher crush? A lady named Kristen.
Who was the last known teacher crush? Another lady named Kristin (different spelling)
How many “friends” were in elementary school? Well over a handful, and its in quotes because I thought I was their “friend” but I likely wasn’t their “friend”.
How many in the middle school years? None. I was with the “boys” that couldn’t keep themselves out of trouble – I look back and I am glad I had left when I went into high school.
How many in high school? It was better. I had about a handful at that point
How many now? About 5 or so. The HS friends are no longer with me.
How did the Facebook experience help you? I was actually one of the first users outside the dot-edu world, and as I started to rebuild a legacy social circle, I’ve realized it wasn’t going to work out in the long run. I didn’t care for the constant changes on the generic navigation of the site that much. Also, the real reason was that I got really crushed that some of my closest people that I thought were “friends” never cared to look at my profile. One didn’t even know I dumped my account nearly a month after I got out, while “a friend” sent an invite for some event, and wondered why I never got it – and never realized I closed it down entirety. Facebook in some ways is creating a “plastic autism” which should be alarming.
Whats the average retention of a social circle? 2 years. It dates back I was in various school programs in an average of 2 years from the year 2000 to the beginnings of 2008.
What do you want out of any kind of “relationship”? I want someone who will listen. Someone who can reciprocate with a back and forth relationship, someone who is open for anything, someone whose not fearful and can be a leader or a distant follower. Someone who can trust my instincts, and someone that can allow me to be happy and be as independent as I want to be.