While the title may appear to be amusing, sadly the truth is there were people involved indirectly or directly; intentionally or unintentionally involved in destroying this guy’s view on relationships. The aforementioned individuals or groups are what made this publication exist, without them there wouldn’t be a blog on relationships and autism.
The HS Teacher
The uncredited co-creator of this publication. This was the writer’s teacher from early to mid double-zeros. At the time I arrived to the program, she was 25 years old with a mind developing of a 21 year old. The Baby Boomer generation had allegedly modified social standards, so ones mind would develop at 25 instead of 15. This teacher was one of the early cases of Millenials, the self absorbed, self whiney generation that has effectively destroyed humanity, only second to the Baby Boomer generation. She was the typical whiner, passing the buck and never took any responsibility of any possible wrongdoing, including but not limited to avoiding not teaching sex ed (as per to Massachusetts law), and teaching idealistic lessons on you guessed it – Relationships in our “health class”
Additional information on this individual can be read in the Tell All
“Dr.” Teresa Bolick, PhD.
The only full name and real identity that had been used on this publication, with careful references to protect her alleged innocence too. Bolick is a well known psychologist that focuses on autism and Asperger Syndrome* According to public records, obtained by this writer, she has helped families with autism in the State of NH for 3 decades. She also has a license to practice in her state of residence in Massachusetts.
However this woman would become the second significant female figure to steal this guy’s heart and lock it up in HIPAA compliant file cabinets in her Massachusetts office forever (if only that was real.) If there was criminal code for psychological damage, depending on the locale she could be charged for murdering, psychological ID theft, severe manipulation and in a perfect world, she could get charged with the death penality. This woman mostly responsible of my emotional death.
This writer had worked with this individual for a number of years, however in recent years he had attended one of her workshops on “social capital” one of the most pretentious junk science preachings this expert on Autism is corroding the public with. I walked away feeling creeped out of my skin. Since autism is generically a male dominate disorder, this gives someone like her to be a mobster and manipulate people with guilt, anger and embarrassment of their autism. While this “doctor” puts autistics into shame, the male patients (at least this guy can personally attest under pains and perjury of social law) are also put into shame for being a guy. I can safely say she is a feminist and when you put feminist dealing with mostly boys, what happens to be quite blunt, they want to be girls.
This doctor also done questionable practices such as doing a workshop on autism and romance on Valentine’s Day and explicitly shutting out individuals with autism to attend, a pamphlet that has existed on the Internet (including this blog.) This doctor in name only is encouraging that only experts and cold hearted professionals in the special ed field to only speak and learn from my group. This could be called insensitive, racist or sexist if someone like me did a seminar on this subject on February 14th. Because of her protected class, she can possibly get away with it.
*she doesn’t use an apostrophe-s for unknown reasons, the standard defines AS as “Asperger’s”
The Male Counterparts
Despite a perceived bias against females on this blog, males and guys had a contributing factor worth mentioning during the tenure of this publication that should be mentioned.
My Father
My father gets rare mentions rarely on Father’s Day or times where I feel like I am missing someone strong in my life. As I gotten older, I have no respect for him even when I don’t even know what he looks like!
My Maternal Grandfather
I had a relationship with my grandpa but he divorced my grandmother more than 2 decades ago. He was an ultra conservatives, ultra conservative, believed women couldn’t do anything on their own, that my mother couldn’t have her own opinion, that she must have man in her life to support herself. Then there’s the family drama with alleged favoritism of other family members and his lack of real love or support was trumped by his reckless dream killing practices. My mother lacked a true father figure. For the readers in the target demo, he was a douchebag.
Loosely based on his online handle, referring to a friend from the early 00s at the high school program. The relationship took many years despite a hot/cold relationship described by others. The offline/real world relationship peaked from 2008 to mid 2010, right exactly at the time where he started a relationship with a real world girlfriend and I moving to my new town. Since 2011, all communication had been severed and we probably won’t speak ever again.
Initials reversed for a male staff of my school in the early ’00s who was about 7 years older than I am. He was like my big brother figure, or just a close guy friend, when he left. His father died from cancer in 2005 or so and went into a huge transformation which left me at the curbside. This individual was the last time where I would be cautious trying to bond with guys.
Other figures
These specific individuals are less significant to me, but their social class or status gets referred without being mentioned individually.
Some people claim that mothers are a “bedrock to America’s society” and some people like me blame the mother for the destruction of America. The role of a mother is to take care of them, and enable the child to be weak – the latter not to be the opposite – at least in the ideal world. In this stereotype, I am referring to fat women (sorry) who have no goals for themselves so they in turn just want to coddle and take care of a kid – even if he’s an adult. Mothers are not what Procter & Gamble has marketed in the last couple of years, most recently during the Olympics, of supporting no matter what. I could be wrong. I am autistic and I am raised by a mother who thinks I can’t take any risks and must not have a future and if it is it should be aligned to what she wants. Not to sound like a wacky conservative, but the focus on mothers only enables the de-fathering our our society.
“Creepy” people
Often were my classmates who I didn’t become friends with, as my goal was to be as “normal” as possible. Case in point, a Jessica like figure would not want to be with a guy who has baggage such as having friends who are autistic and lack the social skills I have the potential with.
“Beautiful” Girls
As mentioned with Jessica, anyone who looks generically beautiful or is a “hot ticket” often I shun, because they shun first. Straight faced chicks are the worst offender (where there is no smile or a frown just so straight gives me that bad vibe of – don’t touch me, don’t look at me, I’m PMSing because I’m trying to figure out who I am. (Yup if you think that didn’t make sense – you’re probably right because girls are so complicated its sobering. They are so damn conflicting!) It’s just as bad as “my shit doesn’t smell” type of gesture. If girls are angry that they are getting unwanted attention, they have a choice to not put 5 pounds of makeup. These girls if there was a disorder it be called a Spoiled Bitch Syndrome – but in today’s liberal standards, I’d be called a racist and being called a Spoiled Bastard Syndrome.
Substantially, these girls are often raised without the father being an active participant of her upbringing and the mother influences her beauty and power at a very young age accelerates her “princess” demeanor. This was viewed in both types of windows, the window of the real world and the browser showing the view of the packet-based world. Both are as real as you can get, ones who addicted to their own beauty, power, etc. Even a beauty pageant girl can fit this profile almost entirely, as I knew one from grade school. Case in point: girls who look and act “beautiful” are bad.
The Women who (Really) Kill.
Women can commit real murder, but statistically it is so slim. However it shouldn’t be an excuse nor should it not be tried. In 2011, Casey Anthony was tried for allegedly killing her little girl Caylee in 2008. Anthony allegedly killed her daughter because she wanted to party instead of raising a kid like a normal woman would. She was found not guilty, despite a poor attempt on the prosecution side because the defense sadly made her look like a lovable mother with the few pictures shown before the jury over the scores of her party girl image.
Technicality aside, Anthony does things that no mother with a sane mind would ever do. A role of a loving mother goes way back to the beginning of time.
Another high profile trial (the argument still exists today if the media overdid this) occurred in Arizona in the winter of 2013. Jodi Arias was on trial for allegedly killing her boyfriend Travis Alexander. The trial went on for months because there was so much time spent for Arias to have camera time. That’s not name calling, it was the fact, to the point where the judge ordered the defense to speed up the trial.
While some media outlets went overboard, the underlying fact that a woman can kill a man and manipulate the justice system and the jurors for years and think she can get away with it is very disturbing to not challenge that perception. Anyone who kills should be punished to the fullest extent in the law, and in this case the jury had a difficult time deciding because in Arizona, she was going to be put on death row. Sadly our sexism exist because men mostly murder in the most heinous way. Travis Alexander’s killer paints yet another tainted picture on how American women today can have low standards and accept it at the same time.
Lastly, My Mother
My mother has some contribution to the work of this publication. Her picture (not available but will be) pixelized, because she is a private person and I respect her privacy because I do not intend to exploit her. My work since 2011 was done in private with no one in the real world I was writing these blogs, I ensured if I didn’t exploit myself, my mother would be exploited ether.
My mother has had hard upbringing herself, some stuff I know some stuff she won’t ever tell me – that my mind draws conclusions to. She had me when she was 16 and I don’t fault her for bad parenting. I faulted her for her lack of understanding, and sometimes I have faulted her for her over protection of me. I’ve sensed she had autistic like tendencies and no expert ever challenged her or held her accountable for any wrongdoing. She also has conceded her failures and as recent as 2014 she even told this writer that in some walks of life, I had more experiences, socially than she did. Translation, in some cases I am stronger, more tough and more socially experienced than my allegedly autistic mother.
Some of my mothers experiences, advice and beliefs had caused my view on relationships to be confusing.