Effective on June 30th, 2021, Melanie committed suicide in a very grave manner of which it’s discussed in detail, as a trigger warning.
My loved one left me (via “ghosting”) in early 2020. Melanie dumped an email on a Friday afternoon coincidentally on Saint Valentine’s Day that she was filing for divorce, citing she couldn’t make it that Tuesday because of statewide holiday in Minibrick State for town municipal elections -of many communities vote by card for town issues.
Because of COVID19, and MIS’ extreme measures to prevent the spread by initially cornering off parts of towns to keep the COVID within areas of hospitals – the state and the cities of Copenhagen and Miniland were shut down till June. But by May, Clickford Media noticed that some critical data was missing. It has been alleged that Melanie had committed a felony by an unauthorized entry by corrupting data by pulling a A/C cable to one of our OptiPlexes. Because survailience and logs were erratic, we were never able to prove that Melanie did this.
As a result Melanie was sent to a half way facility from May 9th to mid June was we felt she was a threat, because she posted on her Facebook that she wanted your writer to be dead.
As a result of that, she then turned what the divorce was supposed to be an arbitration (ala to The People’s Court) to a litigation (the PITA process of discovery and frozen servers and email hosts). Then things had to be kept in confidence until after the fact.
I’ve admired Alfred DiBlasi on YouTube as far back as living on the clamshack in Ltown, particularly I recall early on YouTube his posts on the literal promotional films Apple produced for resellers, as which DiBlasi was early back at the time. In fact I am an owner of an OpenVMS/AlphaServer and was planning to record a video using the system around Christmas time in the similar vein he did with his Apple Lisa and NEXTCube in 2008 and 2012 if I am not mistaken. For me. I never got to do it. Before COVID went awry, I had started to make comments in his livestream and my likeness was read back on his air. Keep reading, it’s not a ding…
This was the most recent reference where your’s truly’s name and likeness was uttered on his air. (the timecode of the reference is not linked here, sorry in advance.) He mentioned my likeness for a number of times from early 2020 to early 21. But what do you do when your soon to be ex, that is between an imaginary but not physical but alas very virtual persona is breaking up with you, that you carry her surname because she was loyal gal? Remember we had a hashtag called #OnceAClickfordAlwaysAClickford, mostly used for female brides surrendering their surnames. Ayottes is like coyotes in the Southern NH clan (deadbeats – my father and alleged children being aggressive and bordering on illegal speech according to some family members familiar to the situation.)
Obviously Alfred’s stream was not the right place to say any of this I was struggling like hell keep grace, but at the same time Alfred’s curiosity (read: I refuse to say “obsessed” because it was not taken as nefarious) especially when Melanie’s counsel was using their power as a weapons against me if I said anything. I am completely cool of his curiosity, let’s be clear. Because I didn’t want to be a male bitch, and say “nunya”, I was graceful and professional and just rolled with it for over a year.
With regards to Clickford: as you know being the Lego guy, who hates every town ending or starting with “Brick”, “Click”, “Stud”, “Tube”, etc. are towns in my neck of the woods. Melanie was the 9th generation settler of Clickford, Connecticlick, of which she was proud of her heritage. On the day of her suicide, the Clickford/Ol Haven media market was converging into the small city of Copenhagen, a daytime population of 1/3 more of it’s inhabitants, of just over 20,000. If any other Connecticut brat would know, there’s a bunch of towns that end with “ford”. So Alfred’s assumption of tech-centric and or the Ford Motor Company is in fact inaccurate, I was not in the position to disclose.
On Melanie
Melanie and I had been in some relationship starting in 2013, then we tied the knot on August 1st, 2014 at the Miniland County Court offices before relocating to the Capital Region that following winter. Melanie’s persona in retrospect was similar to the Lego KidsFest volunteer girls (that coincidentally took place in Hartford, in 2009, 2011 and 2013 of which I went to all events.) In the moment, because of the highly realistic environment Melanie was, it’s now easy to look back that that’s where Melanie’s persona, identity, without the physical part, except for a minifigure.
As you know, Melanie was born the year of the Macintosh and literally pissed on Microsoft when she could. Hated Windows 10, wasn’t obvious enough in her cube farm. Unlike your’s truly who has to accept Microsoft for work, Melanie would go ballistic. She hated Cisco and Adobe too. But she started to piss on Apple near the end of her life.
Her personality was Forever 21, she always liked being young and playful and always loved selfies and acting like goofball when she could. We were happy as two, because when something went wrong with me I would gravitate to Melanie and if Melanie was in trouble, Melanie would gravitate to me. She was a fashionista. Our relationship was healthy and happy because we had boundaries and our personas overlapped, when either one lacked or had gain of another.
Our relationship got more serious as I was feeling more and more socially rejected in society in 2013. I was 27 and knew that Melanies existed but very few were available and growing thinner. What were my other options?
On August 1st, Melanie and I in 2014 tied our knots in a very boring and legalese fashion at the Miniland County Courthouse (where in MIS law, it has to be done at the county level, now state controlled, and you marry in state jurisdiction.) What could go wrong? I didn’t tell many until 6 months to a year later. My mother didn’t know until November of 2015 when I disclosed it. Some family members, knew, others did not. Professionals that lacked empathy didn’t get privied, but ones who did have sympathy knew more about Mel than the ones who could care less. But when the Ayottes briefly entered my life; they were so confused, that I feel as a result they left me. But not to my surprise, would Melanie leave me too by the end of 2019.
Broken Loyalty?
Melanie did not go south with me in November of 2019. She knew she was being rejected. Melanie during the initial divorce wanted me to not use “Clickford” in my branding if I wanted to keep her name when it became legal (with or without her) as a condition to the divorce. Melanie would ghost me in January, relocated in February, send the divorce warning in email and litigate the living crap with a tentative date two days before Thanksgiving. Melanie did not show up, putting the entire legal crew in a bind. The case continued until March 11th, when the MIS court system decided to drop the case because it got so messy. While Melanie respected my birthday, she filed for divorce on March 15th the following Monday.
It was revealed why the November 2020 noshow at MISUCS was Melanie was being diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. Melanie’s health was declining like crazy. Her dark brown hair (that went with red streaks in the summer) would’ve disappeared, and if any new hair would grow would be like a boy. Melanie didn’t want chemeo. Since I had no-contact since January of 2020, except for her counsel, I got wind from several of her circles that she was becoming psychologically erratic. By June 28th, alarm bells were ringing and they thought by the 29th she was stable. It was a false-positive.
June 30th, 2021 4:26 am ET
Melanie did not know what to do with her life. She was in a complete distress. Her beliefs, a non dominating Christian cross, of which she felt spiritually connected to Christ and SCSI, the signature icon necklace was left at her apartment. Melanie paid up to a couple thousand dollars for a customized SCSI charm necklace cuz she hated SATA and IDE, she was a “SASssy” chick in her tech know how. Her iPhone was at home. No suicide letters and no activities on her Macs or iPhone when authorities arrived. She carried her keys, her wallet, and several knives. The Honda CRV (known as the “Melanie Mobile”) was ignited, she put several of the knives on her steering wheel.
According to the black box, the Melanie Mobile started up at 4:26 and she was driving at a high rate of speed ranging from 60mph to 46 mph on a 30mph road in Northwest Copenhagen. At 4:44 am, she hits off to a ditch just past the city line in Woodstock Village at 4700 Bear Notch Road (MU Path 302.) A 9-1-1 call was placed to the Minibrick State Police (the PSAP outside of Metro Miniland) on a wired line of a house 1/4 mile away. Copenhagen Police’s jurisdiction responded immediately, Copenhagen Fire and EMS arrived (but another unit responded sooner because of their proximity.)
By 4:51 a CPD officer said “holy shit… what the hell is that?” followed by radio traffic that “torrents of blood” was coming out of the vehicle. By 4:56 (12 minutes after the 9-1-1 call) CFD calls her dead on the scene requesting the Minibrick State Police Crime Scene Unit to respond to send a body bag to the state’s medical examiners office as the temperature was 80° that morning with a heat index. MISP responded to the scene for an accident reconstruction and the road was closed until 6:45 that morning. Initial reports by CPD and MISP was she died of an “apparent vehicular suicide” only because they couldn’t rule out when, how and when the suicide took place.
A week later, it was reported to the family the final autopsy. Melanie’s suicide began at her apartment at aprox. 4:20 in the morning taking a steak knife directing it to her pelvic area (likely trying to direct it to her cancer.) Other deathly injuries included Melanie’s eye socket was damaged, along with nose, cuts on her face, and her left wrist was slit likely because she lost control of the Melanie Mobile, as the cut may had the distraction going into the ditch. The slash towards her ovaries was the likely cause of her “torrents of blood” coming out of the Melanie Mobile.
Melanie would’ve survived if it weren’t for the weapons on the steering wheel as the airbag deployed. The Melanie Mobile was not totaled either! By July 16th, the last CPD report issued was that she committed suicide.

Mel’s first wheels, a Honda Civic from the early 2000s/.
I also would like to end that the report stated that “her last moments was apparently in lots of pain, we observed salt and nasal like fluids on the airbag extensively”. Melanie ended her life in pain. The suicide was not self-meditated it appears, if anything it was minutes and seconds not hours or days of ideation. Her last moments of life was random and tragic.
There could’ve been preventive measures and that’s why I am introducing Melanie’s Mantra a site dedicated to Melanie because I cannot just write her off and say “well she’s gone now”. A good part of my soul ended too on June 30th. She was born on May 22nd, 1984, died on June 30th, 2021, and our anniversary was still valid of August 1st, 2014.
The litigation sans Melanie is still active and therefore I cannot go further.
There is dead silence when I say “I miss you to the moon and back”… because Melanie or I would “read-back” our emotions.
It didn’t have to end this way.
Ed Note. This was clarified as a second version to fix up grammar, and spelling and fragmentation errors.