Friends – the WRONG WAY to seek new people

The world is so perverted it makes me cry.

I feel that I do not have any futures other than working my ass off and getting money (if there is still an economy.)
The reason why I don’t have more than a few friends, is because I suffer with a developmental disability that’s messed up my brain on the inside. And for that, it has disabled my rights to have a decent expectations of life.

Meanwhile, I had seen video on YouTube on tricks from how to tell if a guy likes you, to how to tell you if a shy guy likes you to even how to talk to one and get a number and text. Like I have said before it is wrong, illegal in social standards, and is considered inappropriate to begin with, according to the experts of the autism world, who happen to be women, a gender that often give conservative guidance, avoids risks and are generally a skeptical group of people. Not so in the series of videos:

these were just a sample of what I had seen the last day or so.
Going back to my original point, I am not just talking about getting a  girl/friend, I am just saying how CAN I talk to a “stranger” and talk to them on the phone or SMS, or whathaveyou.
I can’t.

I have to be in the shallow level, do things the 18th Century way of using my existing small pool of existing relationships for them to network, because afterall I’m allegedly dumb (at least in the social department), so therefore kiss the idea of networking goodbye!
I can’t believe people can befriend strangers on websites like Facebook and in some cases become “acquaintances”, friends, close friends to a romantic partner, and maybe to marriage.
I just don’t get it.
This world of packet based communications, the web browser opening a window to the world, and all these great “innovations” (I put it in quotes because its bullshit) are really great for the “normal” people out there. But if you have any legal disability that is outside of physical, I’d suggest you sue your “doctor” for slander. Because having Autism destroys your reputation, your relationships, your future hopes goodbye.

That’s why I chose to be a corporate hustler, by forcing myself to get a job (likely in a big company) and work and work and work and work my tail off to please to the corporate execs, since afterall that’s my only talent I am putting to use for this year.

One thought on “Friends – the WRONG WAY to seek new people

  1. Clotilda
    I’ve noticed you “liked” this page just within seconds when this went live yesterday?
    I suppose you read word to word and front to bottom before you clicked on the “Like” button on the gray bar?
    YOU are the example why relationships are being destroyed, the feel me good liberalism of liking things for the sake of liking it for no further explained reason and YOU have NEVER posted any additional thoughts.
    You and “Urbanwallart” are the 2 worst offenders of this blog of having a half-assed heart by saying you “like” these stories but you two never challenge yourselves by trying to go the extra mile (or kilometer if you are a foreign reader.)
    I know why the world is so careless. Its because you people who put a little effort while someone like has to PROVE himself 24x7x365 of his
    Why in the fuck should I be blogging if you are doing blog/snobbish “chew and screw” approach?
    Answer that please!
    Steven, Admin (and hopefully a moderator to LIKES if WP can give me that option!)

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