UPDATED: June 10th, 2022 (to add a couple screengrabs of Plank’s apparent personality from a late 2019 podcast.)
How Yours Truly Discovered a “Feminist that loves Men”…to only be let down – YET again.
I have not told the story about my attempts to reach out to Elizabeth (“Liz”) Plank, a self-billed fashionable “feminist who loves men” until today. Being the atypical autistic, I would take any tagline with a grain of salt and not at face value (such as taking it literally). This narrative is actually a personal account of what has been nearly six months of attempted contacts to no avail, and how very sensitive I had done to not cross any lines (or ruffle-anyones-feathers.) It seems apparent that yours truly was not appropriate enough to get her attention.
Please note: I do receive services (but as you can read, it’s not for people with this borderline of autism and have been subjected to seeing an alarming decline of quality of services approximately beginning in 2015.) Since a crisis in 2016, I have been working with a mental health professional explicitly experienced with ASD and psychological trauma almost for every Wednesday since June of that year. Even during COVID via Zoom.
AND LASTLY: This will most likely be tagged publicly to Liz Plank’s social media channels with the intention this will not be even seen or paid attention to, leading to a potential unexpected reactions because I tend to post stuff where people unexpectedly react with the expectation no one will even notice. (Wonder why I am in therapy every other week?)
Watching Liz was like watching a police pursuit where you would stop and watch her talk. She’s certainly not an airhead being groomed to TV.
January to November 2021
I used to host The Weekly Zoo net and podcast. It was hot mess between a Morning Zoo, meets a wacky drive time talk show with passionate sketch-callers modeled off Entercom-owned sports gabster station think of WEEI or 66 WFAN down in 5 Boros. The show was mostly streamed for 2 hours a week, settled on Tuesdays by the spring of last year and sometimes another day if Tuesday got cancelled – and a “Supersized” hour would sometimes air on Saturdays, same time from 9:00pm to 11pm ET. In December to try to get ratings points (I mean views), I moved it 12 hours later to Wednesday mornings. The Love & Relationships Hour (known well as L&R) ran at 10:00 ET with mostly relationship questions an autistic only knows in theory, with sex questions coming in by late fall of that year.
(Thanks to lawyers, the segment was intended to expose the minifig court system and the year plus long divorce from Melanie, of which the initial divorce was dropped, the refiled in March then Melanie died from a suicide… The problem was if I mentioned anything about Melanie, or the divorce, the Minibrick State Unified Court System, the judges, her lawyers was quick to send gag-orders… so Melanie never got the light of day and I was not ready to talk after June 30th, the day of her infamous death.)
The Zoo could be a boring show since my views of men were as wild as heck. Most often I would fine the worst men on the planet and make sport of them from Mike Rowe, to Joe Rogan, to a guy on The Roommates, and most importantly feature segment entitled The Failsophy of Jordan Peterson, that was a sponsored spot from my then media production micro enterprise, I would playoff the tag on the show. I should also mention the sycophant to alpha men, Courtney Cristine Ryan from Cleveland, of which there was a special intro to her too spoofing in a voiceover melody of WJW-TV’s mid 1990s opening “Cleveland’s. Own. W. J. W. T.V. Eight Is News At Ten”
You wondered why the show died in January, it was filled of nerdery could not even compete against real nerds like the Macintosh Librarian or that Computer Klan weirdo.
But my distrust to men was a common theme as a true male feminist from trashing Fucking Kari’s Law; from exposing Donald Boy Trump’s manly/childish demeanors; Jordi, to even trashing my father on Father’s Day by singing a cover to Alanis’ You Outta Know.
Mid November 2021
Approximately in mid to late November, Liz Plank appeared on my screen from the then-Peacock News platform on YouTube that has since been rebranded as MSNBC content. She appeared on one of their shows. There was actually two instances, one was on a recent remark from Josh Hawley on Axios on HBO, then another remark on the Kyle Rittenhouse trial (closer to Thanksgiving.)
It was that point where I saw her infamous book For the Love of Men in her backdrop much like how Howie Carr would pimp The Brothers Bulger when he would make his media rounds in the New England region. The title of her book captivated my attention; the book last year became a paperback, since the hardcover was from 2019. Watching Liz was like watching a police pursuit where you would stop and watch her talk. She’s certainly not an airhead being groomed to TV.
November 30th, 2021
The Weekly Zoo torched the local single commercially licensed TV station that has a history of making men look bad and giving women any power without question. The sketch-callers made fun of me until the brotherly like phoner mentioned Liz Plank at the 10pm hour with no more callers to ask about relationships. The topic flow was purely coincidental. The reaction as live, raw and real. What was supposed to be scheduled for 15 minutes or less became more like 40, and late breaking story of Fredo being ousted at CNN was the last segment to close out.
December 2021
Since Christmas was near, I was keeping up doing The Zoo and TechBeat for the minifig newsradio stations. This alone was required 2 hours of production time prior to air, and as a result 6 hours total a week of streaming, recording and editing. But I had done some research on Ms. Plank for several weeks. In a March 2022 review of the book for BCOP Newsradio, I opined the book was intended for her to appear on highly rated podcasts, as a way to be seen. Turns out I was right.
- This podcast’s (in video form) kinda showed Liz’s personality and her quirks and how the quirks would later be addressed in a couple years. For an atypical dude, Ms. Plank falls right into the stereotype of a safe-female for an atypical male.
She hadn’t had an easy life, rough childhood upbringing and went so far to mention on the above podcast the i-bomb. Ooookk By the end of the month, I started to engage her on social media, and literally broke the ice on Christmas evening where she was in her hometown of Montreal (she is Canadian) and replied to an innocent tweet. This the was the only response I had received from her. This came from the newsgathering* account, because the channel 312 was no longer a long term strategy as I was leaving the Zoo’s YouTube to a testosterone ridden dumpster fire. Before January, it was really should-I-stay-or-should-I-leave this to go to full blown minifig newsgathering.
At that time I was being attacked in very divisive comments (since talking tech to other men is like being punished) and was berated by a 37 year old man from Manchester, NH who is a well known Tech YouTuber whose a dick to say mildly. (Did you know I hated men?) I can be very obvious ya know.
*I call it the “newsgathering account” because I didn’t want people in the industry to know my loopy side. While I link out to there, I do not want it to be linked from inbound. In late 2021 my channel spiked with a lot of activity from people in a specific demographic that implies autistic individuals due to a specific clips of videos posted a year before.
January 2022
Liz Plank is hard to get. Any DMs on Instagram is a hit or miss. Her Twitter is restricted to her friends, the ones that are mutually followed. Her loyal besties. She preaches on “calling-in” people to be accountable (meaning don’t go public unexpectedly) but later on I was put into a cattle shoot; that the only way I could reach out was to call her out, in one way it was really a call to response. That didn’t get anywhere, since she is a hot-ticket to male feminists, left of center types, the more fancier cable newsies, or anyone from her Montreal circles. I was not enough. I knew this going in, but I was so wanted to be so proven wrong.
To steal one of her ethos: I don’t know who the hell I am but in five months I know about her: that she and I have a lot in common and I may be more of an expert of Elizabeth Plank than she is about herself.
Around December the idea was I wanted Liz to come onto The Zoo or L&R. I had the advantage I have the journalistic mindset, a broken “man” and I am autistic. Why milk if if you have it? She doesn’t look triggered for you to milk a little bit of your imperfections. Some of what she said was she had previous experience with “developmentally disabled” people that falls into ASD category, if she wanted to make brand for herself, why go closer to home where male autistics are Public Enemy Number One. I will never know. Her official point of contacts are her agents. No email or whathaveyou. That’s gonna fly well… I’d fall through their cracks too…for sure – dammit! So I didn’t go there.
January 6th: The Ultimate Dream: The Sudden Announcement of The Dream Job Club
On that day, with social media posts as well as her new Substack (went live in December ’21 called) Airplane Mode, she claimed this job matching for “disabled people” was going to be a “soft launch” as the pandemic displaced so many obviously. In the summer of 2021, I applied for a retail position and hobbled on the resume and cover letter (please don’t make a big squeel… I am not perfect and this retail employer was looking for “real” people. Give me slack FFS Alive!) I thought given how bad the New Hampshire Employment Security was and the joke that was of Vocational Rehab (in May of 22, I found their site, and it looked much different than the last time – meaning it was less stuff, which means the department was cut.) I thought with reverse engineering The Dream Job Club of finding the outcome and results without jamming up the resources of what Ms. Plank was trying to do, would make sense.
I will not share the emails sent to that Gmail address she left on the Substack. By zero means was this the ultimate backdoor to get to Liz at all for the other things, I seriously despite the skepticism thought the Dream Job Club would bring some hope, to only realize I wanted to quote a George Carlin skit of “you’re not in a club you were invited… you’re f—-d!”
Then go the freck figure… a month after the initial email… Ms. Plank’s co-hosts a podcast that the subject was about her relationship status… And Oh My Gawd… if I inferred that in this email.. you know whose sorry ass would be taken out to dry. Part 2 explains the careful introduction to an attractive woman with regards to said project…
You have to wait…
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