Conservatism – is it a threat to people like me?

Society has gone through series of directions overtime. If you heard lately “we should go back to the 1950s”, what they really mean was the 1950s the last well known time period, as the the man being the bread winner, women stayed in the kitchen, and a push for christian values, with heterosexual marriage and procreation, for the elder man’s own narcissistic legacy. Did I say this so called American Dream or “American”, “nuclear family” was only acclaible to Caucasian people?

They imply turning back to this time, because it predates the 1960s, the decade of that lead to civil rights, the invention of birth control, and the rise of feminism, and its various “waves”. But if you get your news from Just Pearly Things, a YouTuber of over a million subscribers; who is now selling merch that “Women Shouldn’t Vote” and is completely clueless to Putin and his extermination towards unorthodox conservatives… if you never heard of her, then you’re missing out on why this nostalgia should be fought against.

Post 1960s: Female Autonomy and Discovery of Narcissism

Prior to the 1960s, women had no autonomy, they couldn’t have a credit card, they obviously didn’t work if it wasn’t teaching or nursing, and abuse to women was tolerated because most likely to the manosphere types, that such abuse was accepted because was to put their wives into place. Women were considered property. Women who were mentally unstable were often sent to mental institutions, and given the history with LSS with people with developmental disabilities, they were considered to not be citizens, so the numbers of women in mental wards for emotional disregulation was likely underreported.

By 1980, when DSM III, the third edition to the Diagnostic Statical Manual of Mental Disorders, Narcissistic Personality Disorder was added. Prior to that, no research was significant on personas with high antagonistic, high disagreeableness, “gaslighting”, diminishing ones reality. While research would become more prevent in the 90s, and into the new millennia, with the word “gaslighting” being the word of 2022 in Merriam Webster, there is still more research.

However Just Pearly Things (also known as Hannah Pearl Davis) would claim that such discovery was “invented in the last 100 years:) because… yeah we discovered that women are more than just a line item on the checkbook register. Hell, Pearl thinks “gaslighting” is synonymous with “feminism”

No Tolerance towards difference

I am not going to use the phrases like “racism” or “sexism” or even “xenophobia” but notice how I focused on the American dream applying only to Caucasians and enforcing a heterosexual marriage. It’s not to say that Blacks can be part of this (but they would have to persevere 20 times harder than a typical Caucasian.) They are not to accept other people’s differences, because that’s in their view fracturing the cookie-guttered 1950s America that every hard-right individual who believes in uniform, bland – why? So these conservatives are not interested in dealing with differences – because that would trigger their feelings.

Candice Owens is the perfect example of bitterness to anti-normal, her rhetoric like “it’s OK to not be OK” anger, and other grievances is signaling downstream to Generation Z and younger Millenials. The women want men to look old, mature, throw-away-the-toys approach.

The Grievance Generation

The conservative or anti-establishment or alt-right movements also have lead to the bitterness to “the system” and the establishment. The anti-vaxers are the typical example of this. The anti vaxers world to autism for instance was heavily tainted with Rain Man and feeling like their world came to an end because their legacy was suddenly stopped.  While narcissism isn’t tied to political parties, it’s highly suspect that right wingers are vulnerable to malignant narcissists.

Conservatism today is not spreading democracy around the world, or taking responsibility of the country’s finances in the government or having a strong military. Conservatism today should be  considered to be a dirty word and on The Weekly Zoo, I would often say c-ntservsaative. The MAGA /Red Pill/Manosphere community is highly conservative. President Trump’s legacy giving the hard right a majority in the Supreme Court to not only turn the clock to 50 years, but more like 200 years.  Some people may think I am crazy.

With many Zoomers being parents of Generation X, many came to age in the late 70s to early 90s will worship one man, Ronald Reagan, it’s not just economic, but it’s to “preserve” the white man stereotype.

People with autistic type of disorders never had the freedoms that were really expressed in the IDEA and ADA regulations, we had to take the responsibilities of typical white ladies, typically working in special ed or day programs as an adult. They had the freedoms, we will never have it. Millennials and Gen Z don’t get us. They want us to not exist. Conservatives think we are a burden. They tolerate us, but they want us to be mute and play dumb.

Thankfully this alt-right has competition of the traditional conservatives (the responsible government) with socially tolerable views such as Black and Brown people and the LGBTQ community, such as former White House Comms Director, Alyssa Farrah Griffin, podcasts like The Bullwark, from Charlie Sykes, a former “conservative” talk show host; and The Lincoln Project. They may come off as Biden-lite, but hell the “progressives’ and far right would consider them to be not conservative enough or they’re too conservative.

Unfortunately these socially tolerant conservatives are rare, and there is more louder tight righties raping the narrative. None of these groups discuss my group, the invisibly disabled. We have to look to them to see the direction of what could happen to my group of people with the other marginalized groups. Clearly my nightmare of people leaning into Pearl rather than the others is closer to reality.


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