Birds and the Bees

I am not a kind of guy who likes to talk “dirty” subjects. I am not kind of guy who acts childish if someone had put a penis into a vagina and laughs about it. I am also a guy who would never talk vulgar to his peer gal friend. I’d never use phrases like “boner” even if its in the common lexicon of the twentysomethings.
I find the subject on sex a very scared subject and a very intimate manner. It’s to the point where I was very hesitant of learning sex from my mother.  I felt like it was very controversial over graphic nature to talk about it. My sex ed IQ might be much lower, though I know the basics about it.
I also don’t talk about it to my primary care doctor (or PCP in the health insurance lingo.) He’s kinda like a brotherly figure, similar to a guy who used to work at my school, but that relationship never went beyond that. (Albeit he left the school the same year his father passed away, which I think messed him up seriously for many years.)  That same guy I felt comfortable talking about, like girls. I know that boundary is very thick to women of course. Even if I am not that close, I do have concerns about my sexual health, but I have kept it secret for so long. At this point, it might not be worth it to mention given how long I have not mentioned about a specific personal issue with me.
However I have stayed away talking about girls to my mother, more in the last couple of years. That has been a sacred subject to the point I built a Chinese firewall. Often it was the SSDD,  same stuff, different day. Another was to migrate any teasing. Also crushes – isn’t that expected for teenagers? Sometimes if a girl at a specific time of my life that was such prevalence, I would bring it up to my mother.  Often I keep that a separate and personal issue.
Presently there was a girl at the local grocery store who works as a cashier that I started to have feelings. Why? Because she shows at least some, some interest (i.e. acknowledging my presence in a friendly way.) I wanted to go on specific days or shifts to see her. At the last time I have seen her was probably a month ago. The last 2 weeks, I had to compromise with my mothers schedule. It might had been one week, but I was trying to push one of the last few weeks.
I’ve tried to keep this crush as secret as possible. Yes, I find her cute, and not only that, it’s because she’s friendly. You don’t see that anywhere south of the Pemigwasett River and north of the I-93/95 split and west of I-91 in Mass. I’ve said this before, you can’t get away from the snobby brats that have infested Central New England.
I’ve learned that in this lawyered up, cry baby,  ambulance chasing society that people don’t comment on speculation, such as if companies are merging, and rumor against a company or person or something else that isn’t based on pure fact. I personally build myself on being the most complaint individual in society with the strongest moral and ethical, and compliance standards. So with that, I find crushes in a legalese way of “speculative relationships“. Isn’t a crush something of a grey manner? Would it destroy your reputation, or the other girl’s reputation? If yes to both of those questions, then it would be some form of a speculative relationship. Therefore, I shouldn’t have obligation to disclose that i am going to the local grocery store at a specific time, because I want to see my crush (even if she probably is a trashy girl off the clock) and any admission could destroy my relationship or hers. (albeit, a “crush” is a one way relationship.)
Again, back to the subject in hand, it is important for me to have a firewall between my different people in my life in terms of sex and specific details about romance. Sex to me is a personal, very sensitive issue. Some times the thought is very glamorous, sometimes its just too graphic and literally messy.  All this of course based on just opinion and not fact.  I’ve asked my self so many questions about sex, and I’ve mentioned this prior to in the “Slutty In the Head” theme.
I am a little more open here, because I try to talk about the subject manner with proper class and respect on the issue. Part of it is because I find it a serious manner, than something more casual. It might be because I am a serious guy,

Socialization with Strangers and the Usual Failiures

This is yet another problem I have struggled (maybe others can relate.) You try to go out to public places (retail, restaurants, etc.) and the objective is to socialize with a stranger.  The problem is when you realize there is an opportunity, you just immediately fumbled the football.
This problem can be one or more of the following:

  • You were trained as a child, and in your late teens to not talk to strangers
  • You were told to not give out your number, as some girls/guys could consider it stalking
  • You are insecure of yourself
  • You are afraid to divulge too much  information
  • You are afraid to damage such low level relationship

This has happened on several occasions within the last 3 months. One was at the local fast foot joint, where I have a “fake” ID badge.  Its not that fake, I had a IT services operation and while it wasn’t incorporated legally, but I wear it with an accompanied lanyard  to look like I was “busy”. But I didn’t take the business seriously for reasons not worth going. The guy asked me how was “work”? I fibbed and said “good”. For all I know, he was just doing his own personal SOP of being nice to the customers.
Another case was I went to a mall store around the time when the Boston Bruins was in the Stanley Cup, so sometime within the last month. I was wearing my Bruins hat, and the girl at  this store was complementing me about my hat, while I was in the store she essentially was flirting with me and asking me if I was excited about the series. I came off like I was a “casual fan” when in fact I am a true fan. For all I could say in return in complete sentences was that I told her I liked her belt she was wearing and how sexy it looked.
And most recently, a cashier at the local grocery store had shown interest in me. No, not romance or crushes, but just an acknowledgement in a friendly way of my presence. (If you know what I mean, you understand what I had to deal with for many years.) The last time I saw her was about a few weeks ago, because I have missed her on her shifts in the last 3 weeks. Its rare for a grocery store let alone the Northeast where someone is friendly with their customers and not rush to put the pizza in the same bag as the chicken. The problem is how can I go that next step into the “small talk”. I’m not like an Asperger type where I hate it, its really how to execute it, and how could I ask her out (if that’s even possible.)
I seem to never find the right time to act when I have an opportunity to interact with the outside world without having much fear. The problem for me is how chronic this social anxiety almost literally  freezes me up without getting cold hands or feet.
I think it comes from my upbringing of low self esteem, a lack of confidence of my professional interactions, and just the baggage of carrying my autism and all the negativity that the disorder has been wrongfully portrayed in the public.

Is it Sexist to Ask a Girl Out?

Would someone get charged for a Felony if he asked a girl out that he didn’t really know? Would it be just because he doesn’t “look” like the other guys?
This is a very confusing task for someone like me to do. There is of course the many pseudo-science things like “social capital”, “social pyramid” and the other cautious practices, because you know we can’t assume that everyone with a developmental disability would appear to be “normal” because we have to stereotype them as big, fat ugly young men.
And of course we got both men and women professionals or others that have to be skeptical to protect each others safety, the fear of course of the other person complaining against us!
The problem is there isn’t any positive social skills teaching us how to get young ladies, only because there are many excuses such as its not the paraprofessionals’ responsibility of teaching how to hook up with someone, and more excuses.  (and I say this gender specifically since many cases of autism and other DDs are 95% males – and of course I feel ashamed sometimes of being a guy since we are easy targets to get bullied by girls.)
I’ve heard the various ideas of places to meet other people like at the grocery store. Sure that’s  a great idea – only if you don’t live in a snobby town and most of the people aren’t walking the carts as couples.
The other theoretical  suggestion is well maybe flirt with the cashiers. Which makes me question at what point do you go forward? How do you do small talk (I have difficulties NOT because of my autism, but I was trained settle of socializing with snobby people.) How many weeks or months would you suggest to ask her out? What if I found her Facebook profile and she appears to be a bad girl but she acts nice on the clock?  Should I assume that shes taken? (since all good looking girls are taken, good girls are taken and bad girls are not) 
The logical response to all of this is to just go on Match or some other dating site since in like 30 years you’d look like you grew up in a sheltered life or that you are very old to remember how people met each other before the Web.
I don’t know because I never had any strong support to do so, only the depressing skepticism and skiddish kinda responses.  This is how I tackle it: no one would want to date me, to assume that girl is taken, and assume she’s a badass. I don’t make an ass out of u and me, because 99% of my encounters involve with bitches who can’t control her emotions or has some excuse to dislike me.  And 1 and 50 occurrences I deal with the opposite gender, I get some positive reaction. And that 1 and 50 cases happen probably 1 in 3 months.
I am simply confused. Trying to find my next best friend should not have to require being taught from someone with a PhD degree and requiring so much freckin structure.

Why I hate Vday, part six

Some of tonight’s TV programs had a Valentine’s Day theme, especially with The Big Bang Theory, and The Office. If you are a fan and you are in the Left Coast, or you live in another locale that runs these programs at other time blocks, I’ll won’t spoil the plots.
But I will say it had drama between encounters with an ex, and the bickering between one or the other couple, depending on what respected show it was.
In the real world, do people really get emotional about an ex? And does their hormones reactivate with the ex lover?
What do I know, I am the true virgin of this blog!

Slutty in the Head – Valentines Day Edition!

I’m so depressed.
As time goes on tonight, people are likely going to lock their bedroom door and do some love making. And when I mean by love making, more of the sense of a sexual intercourse. It’s something like a man and a woman mate and one inserts his penis into a girls vagina and in some cases it leads to pregnancy and that’s where babies come from (poking fun at the Super Bowl commercial in a lame ass way.)
Ok so you got your sex ed now lets see how it leads that way.
So in the ads this past Sunday, the retailers of course are capitalizing on it. Here you see me take pictures of reading the ads and my opinions as I read on.
JC Penney (ahem JCP) had a nice looking model. Those panties on the right in the pink colored looks hot. Its mesh. I wonder if it would turn someone on especially seeing a certian bare area!
those hot panties with the mesh, I can’t help to resist a way to turn a man on by teasing your vaginal area!
Another bullshit marketing campaign is to “Follow Your Heart” according to Macy’s
Show her some Love with JCP’s new Fun Fearless Female Collection from Cosmopolitan. Again some really slutty outfits! When I mean slutty, I mean really sexy styles!
Some other cute unmentionables to rip off in the bed, especially the one with the pink bra and panty on the bottom.
Other hot outfit for the night to fuck one another rip and screw around – a lace cami bra!
while this one has nothing to do with Valentine’s Day per se, this model is really cute. And she’s got a name. Her name is Lacey Nelson. I use some resources, that I have linked on the far right of my blog.

I forgot about this…

I bought a heart nearly 2 years ago at AC Moore and I used a Sharpie marker to do this shown below. I had burred upon the many stuff I have in my office.
This one is one of my current quotes.

“Love is a privilege – not a right.”

More to come, the day is still young for hating Valentine’s Day.

Can I have one of those “Hunk of Love Bear”?

I’m watching CNBC, a commercial ran from the Vermont Teddy Bear company and during this time of the year they run various Valentines Day spots (I think they also own Pajama Gram) and they are selling a $100 Hunk of Love bear. It’s a 4′ bear that is perfect for an autistic because it looks so cuddly. I admit I still snuggle with some of my mothers bears.  Given I probably won’t fall in love, this could be a nice $100 investment. 

Love and Lack of Romance

I had a secret agenda of launching this blog back in early September. I used the “relationships” phrase with honest intentions of talking about the bigger picture. But it is easy to get distracted and getting stuck on love and romance.
Something I have never experienced, nor do I expect that I will fall in love.
I am sick and tired of dealing with crushes. They can be really dangerous, and I feel that crushes lead to a depressing road of pain, over dreamy thoughts, and large amounts of guilt.
And I am sick and tired of the ideal of waiting, and when one waits, the time will come. What? Like 2038? I can’t wait for someone to come. At the same time this logic kinda counteracts with the idea that one won’t meet a girl or a guy at home, because they don’t come knocking at your back door. So if one has to hear that on a number of times, then why do these people give you advice to wait?
Makes no sense. Especially in a hustle and bustle world of running their lives like an enterprise. Do they wait for a critical decision to do a business if they’re at work, or wait for the right moment to get that deal? Probably in a socialist world that is acceptable.
I don’t know anything.  And I think I am better off being an outsider, because this blog wouldn’t exist as someone wearing a V-tag* I’ve felt like an alien, and I do feel like an outsider looking into a clear glass.
*I can be a sci-fi geek, if you’ve heard of the 80s (that looked like from the 70s) the sci-fi program V you’ll know what I mean!
I’m just like a Lego minifigure looking through a glass window seeing things from an outsider, someone whose a professional who doesn’t have time to have emotions and fun.
And there’s nothing wrong with that!

The Best Relationship Status for someone with ASD

Working for a “Fortune 500” Company.

  • Working ether as an Officer, a VP or SVP
  • Someone who is tethered to his iPhone
  • Who makes crictical decsions unlike most romantic relationships
  • Someone who is very occupied with his position
  • Someone who doesn’t have time for his family
  • Someone who doesn’t need sex to enhance himself
  • Someone who works in a conservative style (cubicles, private offices, a PC and makes phone calls unlike other progressive styled workplaces.) Such style requires less human interaction

My ideal Relationship Status would be “In a Relationship with [XXXXX Company], Chief Compliance Officer”
It is what it is, some people have better relationships by working instead of being in a world where they will never be accepted to society.