New Year – New Self

I’m starting to slowly change my way of thinking. Beginning in 2012, I started a new process, such as thinking small goals and targeted plans. Part of that was a better organizational plan, implementing new technology (such as an iPhone and an iPad last summer) and trying to have a “system” – something I haven’t had for years since not being in school.
So as 2013 is just a baby in comparison (you are almost a full day if you are Down Under and you Left Coast brats are still waiting to see the ball drop in a tape delay) here is part of the plan as stated in the Countdown:

  • I am in the process of a new contract for my services and the lone goal is
  • to find a job or go into a work program
  • find staff for “caretakers” to go and do my day to day errands such as getting office supplies,  going to the local mall and clothes shopping or to the movies or candle pin bowling at least once a week.
  • The plan is to phase out of trying to socialize, and focus on just working to get financial independence; and time out of the house. I’ve planned for this because as I have mentioned last year, the only thing going forward in my life.
  • Autism and other pervasive developmental diseases or disorders is still “new”. This status hasn’t changed since 1980. Especially when the boom started in 1987, and many guys (since most numbers of ASD are males – yeah its so fucked up) are in the similar boat as I am. What this means in plain English, is there aren’t many support groups that intermingle with “normal” people, or focuses on just ASD, or just adults, or groups that aren’t “motherly” orientated.  Until there is better awareness and better support groups, or hangouts with normal people, I will basically be waiting when that time comes.
  • In CY2012, I effectively decided to avoid college all together.  This plan is still in tact for CY13
  • Romantic relationships are limited to none from this day on,  due to many factors. I’m almost 26. Many people my age (and older – I don’t go younger than a few years) are “In a Relationship”, they have trashed every other people in their life to be with their lover. Secondly, most females peak at sexuality at their mid twenties, and even tho I have no experience, it’s a dream to have a girl that has modest assets or attributes. Third, I live in an affluent area, where there a lot of high quality people. Coming from a farmer area, and from a low middle class family with limited to zero privileged background, I don’t think a girl from around here would appreciate me given that most girls are selfish, narcissistic and not appreciated.  Lastly, given my difficulties in relationships, most girls have not patience. My Quick Reference Card to Relationships says that “Good looking girls are taken, and the not so looking ones live with their parents. The best girl for a relationships are very popular, and there aren’t that many that are single. And the most ideal girl is too good to be true.

In 2010, I had a few friends. By the end of that year, it dwindled down to just a couple.
By 2011, those friends that left were out of my life indefinitely
By 2012, I went through one of the most painful stages of my life of having to accept I do not have the ability to have any relationships outside of professionalism.
I never thought I’d cry loosing friends. I thought I’d never be upset because I felt I was too smart, or was afraid of saying the wrong thing that I could go to the local institution.
I give attribution to those feelings to the local school district backed by unions; the state government and the federal government, which is where I’ve given up my freedoms to get certain services.
So how am I going to approach 2013 and relationships?

  • Don’t use the Internet that much anymore to socialize. I can’t use my HP/Compaq nc6400 or my late 2006 MacBook without worrying about it catching on fire thanks to the massive code clutter thanks to the adolescents running publicly held dot-com companies. These jerks have no accountability, and because of these bloated websites, why waste my time waiting an hour to finish something “on the cloud” and just do something locally on the intranet/SharePoint site?
  • When my birthday comes, fuggedaboutit! My birthday is easily forgotten. In CY12, on my 25th birthday, it was no biggie, it was “just another day.” This year, it will be just another day. I don’t see any parties or anything big out of it. I’ve learned that as much as you want to whore attention, people will ignore little things like a birthday, something that basic logic says about a friendship.
  • Be more self-reliant. Asking for help is for p***ies. Real people do things on themselves
  • Kiss the pain of 2010-2012 goodbye. All social circles that prior to 2010 are null and void. They are dead in my head; and they don’t deserve mention on this blog anymore. I’ve already set it in stone prior to, so if you want to look back and learn more
  • Work or stay home This is achieved by ether working out in the wild and or home, and staying home for a majority of time outside of generic errands.
  • Do not advocate. The world is retarded period. Why should I waste my time trying to convince an ignorant person that someone with ASD has a future?
  • The world might not ended on 12-21, but it is effectively dead. Thanks to new technology and media that has ruined society; we are now in a world where corruption is ramped, people are becoming more and more anti social by using social media; while traditional “anti social” people will become more social, because of their off net* skillsets. We will know how to socialize when everyone else is not. As sick and perverted as it is, people are becoming more and more narrow minded and they won’t be able to discuss things that aren’t in their own viewpoints. On top of that the world of the news media is gone, and people won’t know how to get news because they never were immune and if they get news it may be opinions because the news is becoming “entertainment” thanks to the TV business having 90% of the work force of people who kiss the mirrors and touch themselves in a certain area, an appropriate word is “narcissistic.” I’ve priced in that the world is pretty much dead; and I’m walking like a zombie.

*sorry I’m a telecom/voice guy, and I’m mixing tech terms onto this blog.
So 2013, is a year where I’ve came to realization and now that realization will be tested with the expectations I have envisioned during the time of realization.
Welcome 2013!

Christmas, part two

Christmas is a hard thing for me to understand. My autism doesn’t help manners. Part of it is I wasn’t exposed to faith and religion at an early age. Another part is my difficulties of relationships, especially to family.
I’ve mentioned earlier today that I’ve had family issues in recent years relevant to Christmas. Another part of me is I can’t turn-off things i.e. “letting troubles be out of sight”* I also believe given my my strong emotional bond with my mother makes anything tick. I find such chemistry has made our relationship even more difficult. Such emotional similarities would not be an ideal match for any other relationship.
*verse of “Have Yourself A Merry Christmas”
RELATED: Have you seen My Ideal Girl yet?
On top of that, I’m just struggling through life almost being unemployed for 5 years straight and now mounting concerns for me to get that new annual contract for certain services where there is more goals compliance and accountability on my end and I can’t just shut it off on one day.
I think being an adult is the worst feeling to have. I don’t see really anything good out of it other than I have a teensy bit of freedom (i.e. unemployed for almost 5 years) and just having the time to yep about my frustrations of life.
I’ve lost the meaning of Christmas. After what happened to me personally to the last 9 months of this year and seeing the elections going the wrong way and seeing the economy stalling for another 4 years and seeing how social media, “the cloud” and iDevices killing possibly U.S. I.T. or even service jobs, makes me just feel even worse. Going back to micro-view, I feel looking forward,  I just don’t see any future for any new relationships. I may get a job and seek professional relationships, and getting a job and maybe loose some services (the system for special needs is totally fucked up here in the States – I’ll leave that part out.)
On top of that, I don’t see any future for “friends” or even a girlfriend. Remember, I live in a suburban area of Boston, and often its a bunch of rich brats or anyone that is underage, since there are so many school age people who live around here. And if there are people my age, then they are like my cousin, taken and happily married. There aren’t that many single 25 year olds – lets be frank. All the good looking (read: bad ass girls) are taken, the not so pretty live with their parents, and the truly loving and caring girls are extremely rare.  I’m looking into taking an indefinite break of dating and going into relationships, something that was in place since birth, if you really think about it.
This is coming on the heels as allegedly the world is supposed to end tomorrow. Its all over cable TV right now of the fear of it. I’ll say this I was born on the 12th, my worst years of my life were 12 and 21 and 2012 wasn’t the best year ether. I hope nothing severe happens in my area in the event of a disaster.
But I’ll say this – my life is over. Whether or not I die or not, my life is figuratively dead. There is no way to revive. I was pronounced dead back earlier this year. 2013 and onwards is going be a challenge, and something I have to do, but maybe it won’t be as painful. Maybe its a sign that I won’t have to endure pain as being someone that has a “disability” that only a “doctor” with a PhD degree can treat. Maybe I’ll get paralyzed, and maybe that will be the best moment in my life (as fucked up as it is) and actually have empathy of the masses for the first time. Maybe there will be friends and a possible girlfriend and maybe a future wife that would love me for who I am, since again a disability is typically not observed by society as something in the brain.
Whether or not the world ends tomorrow, I will put more resources into this blog. My plan is to decode what I had experience for relationships and again analyze it. Sadly, I am not getting those beloved search terms like “can autistic people fall in love” “why don’t autistic people fall in love” “could I date someone with autism”. Oh, I make that up with my experiences of ignorant people not wanting to date someone like me.
Well hopefully, I’ll see you people tomorrow. Bye!

Dreams (That Will Just Exist in my Imagination)

My dream life…

  • Working enough hours to make ends meet, to have enough cash to pursue my interests.
  • To have a stable social life – maybe up to six “friends” or so.
  • To have some girlfriend I can feel its ok to be romantically in love, to touch her, to kiss her to hug her without worrying about registering as a Level Three Sex Offender.
  • To have somewhat of a electronic communication (such as a Facebook, phone calls, emails or texts – though I don’t like texting anymore)
  • That I can be happy and feel that life isn’t that threatening and the world around me won’t  have to really judge me

But I realize that is all just a daydream and when I go to bed, the worst things to happen are in my sleep, because theres nothing to really dream about since my dreams cannot come true for various reasons to just leave out for the general audience. 

I get so teary eyed because I have to accept that my life isn’t what I dreamt of. Because I have to make others happy because its all about them and not about me.