The real definition of “dreams”

an animated images showing clouds featuring dreams that progress to dark and broken ashes
This is my own animated GIF I did on Photoshop
I don’t know what the definition are “dreams”, I don’t know if it applies to a single group or whathave you or maybe my mother really sucked as a parent,  or the local government’s over burden on regulations or all of above, but this is my art of what I consider is really what “dreams” are.
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Dreams (That Will Just Exist in my Imagination)

My dream life…

  • Working enough hours to make ends meet, to have enough cash to pursue my interests.
  • To have a stable social life – maybe up to six “friends” or so.
  • To have some girlfriend I can feel its ok to be romantically in love, to touch her, to kiss her to hug her without worrying about registering as a Level Three Sex Offender.
  • To have somewhat of a electronic communication (such as a Facebook, phone calls, emails or texts – though I don’t like texting anymore)
  • That I can be happy and feel that life isn’t that threatening and the world around me won’t  have to really judge me

But I realize that is all just a daydream and when I go to bed, the worst things to happen are in my sleep, because theres nothing to really dream about since my dreams cannot come true for various reasons to just leave out for the general audience. 

I get so teary eyed because I have to accept that my life isn’t what I dreamt of. Because I have to make others happy because its all about them and not about me.