Pension Reform – the Girlie/"Gay"/Conservative Way

A few days ago, the State of Illinois approved pension reform to the state’s public sector employees. However the distraction to the story by a attention grabbing conservative in the state’s legislature. The man, Illinois State Representative, Mike Bost (R) droped an f-bomb, threw papers and YELLED to the top of his lungs and made a big immature scene with no one doing CPI holds (restraints) or any security officer taking him out or taking him to the “time out room” or anything that a 6 year old PDD student in a school would get disciplined for with a similar behavior.
Now why in the hell did no one call the campus security and not pulling the man out, whom of which couldn’t keep a calm, cool and collective approach in their state house? Why didn’t the Illinois State Police not press charges against him? The politician I think from seeing the grainy picture might had been wearing some little girls bra underneath.  (just kidding.) Though acting like children or acting out like a PDD student in an out of district school program in a public arena is wrong. Especially as public leaders.
Now I am for any pension reform, but its unfortunate that most republican leaders have to act like desperate little girls and use emotion and act violent as you see in the video link to push politics. This is the same ideal of excessive emotions that the liberal moonbat mothers did in Concord a month ago so.
If I were his colleagues, I would spank his rear end in public for acting like a 6 year old PDD kid for that immature behavior. I wouldn’t get away doing that (especially in closed-minded state where I live in.) I only applaud for his reform, but his delivery FAILED. We shouldn’t applaud his immature, girly behavior.
Note: I used “Gay” in quotes on the title, in the sense that some “conservatives” are acting like transsexual women like the emotions. John Boehner was the prime example last year where he couldn’t stop crying in public.

Why I *hate* the University of New Hampshire

In light of the union hackerama brohaha at the University of New Hampshire, thats getting some hyperlocal media play, I thought I’d write a blurb or two about why UNH not only screws the taxpayers, but the most vulnerable people in this state.
First off, its only funded by the state for less than 2%. Why? Because in New Hampshire, we are known to spend the way of being frugal,  for the kids to get aid, the state puts a minimal amount to their budget. So the rest of the 98% is for other revenues, tuition, alumni, and other crap.
Another problem is the college’s way of not teaching practical skills for some of their practical studies. Most of the UNH kids major in partying than majoring in real subjects. And most of their programs do not apply to their state, i.e. Global Warming, and their globalization agenda – on the taxpayers dime! Also, many come here not from New Hampshire and the native graduates often  never come back to this state. And most of these bastards are from the rich families (i.e. snobs) and they often have an IQ bordering on room temperature regardless what education they previously had.
Oh and did I mention that their Institute on Disability that is a resource to the college for disabilities like autism, that is being taken advantage by the people who are really disabled? That department is for resource for the teaching studies, “professional development” but the resource is never used for the ones who can talk and attempt to learn in a college level.
As I tried to get results with one of the hack from UNH back last May in Bretton Woods, at the Family Support Conference, I told the hack that many people with ASD are turning 21 to find out they will be in limbo because there isn’t anything for them. I should told that guy also that UNH was asleep at the switch for not warning of the tsunami of the autistics turning 21 in the last and the next few years.  They could had done something, but they didn’t.
I hate UNH to death, and I have met only two decent people who went there and didn’t get their minds filled of goo.  One is a far rightie and one is leftist, so theres some true diveristy you don’t often hear at the Institution in Durham.
To partially steal the phrase from Michael Dell, if I ran UNH, I would give the money back to the taxpayers.