The State of Affairs for Autism and Relationships

There is a bunch of problems going forward for the next five to ten years for autistics and the “leadership” thereof about relationships and building friends, etc., etc.

To go into further detail of that statement; we face problems such as trying to fit every possible individual into one unified group instead of unifying 1 and 88 people with autistic or pervasive developmental disorders; secondly the research and assessment (or diagnoses) often compares us to the normal functioning peer groups; which is also an unfair and inaccurate portrayal to the autistic community.

There are a bunch of people who go around the world to speak about autism, to lecture about the subject or even speak badly (even with it being unintentional.) This problem is also a multi pronged issue too. One is the lack of editorial judgement when delivering these messages to the public; secondly the medium is the message; especially in the world of the Web and social media; and how the people take these messages. I’ve said in the past that for a long time people in the Millenial generation (born from 1977 to 2001) were the most intolerant generation of people with developmental disabilities; however that number is slowly going down – but not a lot. The problem here, is those numbers are becoming tolerant because of a career path they have chosen, not really because they want to be tolerant from the heart.

And the last point is what becomes the most dangerous part for ANYONE with autism; the message, or the medium may mislead these future professionals of the special needs industry; there is still some mixed messages that all autistics are mute and dumb, and often they are lost little bastards; and often its boys; because its only boys who are bad; and its only boys who are into science and math; and again guys are socially retarded; and that all autistics shall not have a life like everyone else because of their alleged social dysfunction; and they really should be friends with their neurological peers; and shall not even have the chance of getting married and having offspring that might reproduce another autistic.

The entire boldface was the subliminal or innuendo messaging of what is taught in college, or in professional development (bitter people training.) There is a lot of psychobabble about “social pyramid”, “social capital”, “social this” or “social that”. And many of this BULLSHIT has anything to do with social skills!

So in closing, the state of affairs for autism and relationships are bleak and will have a dark future. Not because “progressives” want to make a movement for change and acceptance; its really for people who want to be career mothers or career slanderers to make blaintely false and misleading statements that all autistics are bad, all autistics should be sent to Laconia or a state that still has a state school for developmentally disabled people. And yet we have to settle with the fact of “they are being honest” and “they are telling the God honest truth” but yet if I make a “God honest truth” I’d be charged for hate speech even if there isn’t a  hate speech law in my state.
The only option is to settle with the “facts” with the hopes these people will die to hell sooner rather than later.

Why aren’t Women not Being Held Accountable?

As a male with a disability (in the head) it’s very hard to be in society when women have a dominating force. I hate to say this, but the War on Women has already been confirmed as a victory years back. Its really the War on Men.
I just don’t get why girls get so offended by men and labeling them as creepy people when its really them that have wanted (or dare I say whored) attention the first place! They wear reveling outfits, and show off various assets, and if we just look at them for only 5 seconds (which is 5 minutes in their overreacted minds), its considered as sexual harassment!
But if I see some complement that I feel is vulgar on a comment on a Facebook picture for a attention whoring girl, I can’t be offended, because the person that commented to their friend is really just being normal and its all good – even if I find if offensive and harassing. I think you as the smart reader know the after effect if I made a similar statement?
The Federal Law on Sexual Harassment does say its illegal for men to do, and its legal for women to do. Where is that written? It’s not, but thin skinned women, and all the feminist (reversed-racism) groups from the sixties did. The Wikipedia article is as progressive as you can get, explains how it was made up. They wanted to create a problem and blow it up out of proportion! Certain groups have made up problems!
The publicly funded school systems in special education have taught us how be appropriate with our assets. Our only asset if you know where I am coming from is down near my crotch known as the penis. Our parents have taught us when and where we are supposed to use that part of our body. Now how come girls are not being taught that? Like not touching your breasts whether to show off or whatever else and posting similar described acts on Facebook via picture or wear appropriate clothing out without feeling creeped out?
Girls have not been taught accountability, its our “nanny state movement” like sex harassment and some of the loonie lawyers out there. If they get hurt feelings, they’ll make a phone call to the anti male lawyer Gloria Alread (which in some dictionaries defines her as Gynophobia) sue the shit and slanders more black men than whites! And those 98% classy black men can’t sue Allred back for slander.
Let me put it this way to close it up, you can’t be sexy and not expect certain attention.

“Boys are Stupid”…Some Lefties say “Throw Rocks at them!”

If people don’t know already why I don’t have a girlfriend..
…Its because I am stupid! (according to the feminist groups!)
This full screen graphic shows thanks to the Liberals for delaying the progress of HFAs due to their reversed sexism with the infamous picture of "boys are stupid throw rocks at them"
Well according to this image I am! I am autistic, and come off as a lost boy at times, so why shouldn’t I be surprised!
Remember earlier on, I mentioned the MySpace bumper sticker entitled “Boys are Stupid…Throw Rocks at Them!”? Turns out it actually is a tee-shirt that actually has a Wikipedia entry and is classified as “Violence Against Men”
Here is an executive summary from the Wikipedia page:

“Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them!” is a slogan on a T-shirt by Florida clothing company David and Goliath. The slogan is printed next to a cartoon image of a boy running away from five stones flying in his direction. People magazine ran a story on the T-shirt, opening with a quote from a then 10 year-old girl, “I want to make boys feel bad because it’s fun.”[1]

Additional information from the Wikipedia entry claims the following

“The T-shirt was designed by company founder Todd Goldman, who started David and Goliath in 1999 with “Boys are Smelly” T-shirts. It now features clothes with a variety of slogans, such as “Boys tell lies, poke them in the eyes!” or “The stupid factory, where boys are made”. “Boys are stupid …” has evolved into a successful object for merchandise, which includes all types of clothes, mugs, key chains, posters and other items. Critics argue that the simple mainstream acceptance of such material is evidence of a deeper and underlying culture of contempt and hatred towards men in Western society, asserting that a book of similar design that targeted a different group (such as Blacks, Jews, or women) would not be treated with such tolerance.[6]  The slogan has also been criticized by Bernard Goldberg in his book, 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America, where Todd Goldman, the shirts’ creator, was listed as number 97.

Some other bloggers about the subject of “relationships” might skew to the liberal, but I skew to the conservative. This “Boys are Stupid” was a product of the left, and opposition came from the right for rightful reasons. Its an utter shame that we have people in society that degrade women, but we also have MEN that degrade their own gender – COMING from the SAME group that’s all for “tolerance”!
I am not getting into a political discussion, as I just did the research on this after looking up the picture to use. I never knew the history prior to writing this. Now I feel much reassured that this was (since this was almost a decade ago) a liberal attack against males, boys and or men. Unforutnetly, I as a male with a disability have been abused by the malicious, childish, reckless and careless liberal people in this society.
Its a shame that this was even done to begin with. Goldman should be sent to hell.

Middle Aged Women & Public Corruption

I have strong (and rightful) hatred to women of a certain age and their day job working as public employees at ether the local school district and/or educational collaborative that operate as a public sector op.
I’ve learned from these people. Well, they are teachers, they are public servants, so I am under the impression I am supposed to lead by example.  Women tend to be skeptical. They tend to not trust people (no wonder why I am so fucked up) including the boys in the SPED classroom.  They are paranoid. They worry too much. And lastly THEY TEND TO BE PRIVATE! (which really pisses me off about people with tits and cunts.)
As I grew up in the public institutions, I couldn’t stand the overzealous policies on “confidentiality”, “privacy.” I never forget the times where a teacher and another “paraprofessional” would talk near us then say “want to go into that room” then go and close the door and then talk with the blinds wide open. I never was paranoid about teachers talking about me. Well, maybe I lied, at a certain point in my life. Its like the Chicago way of doing business. Lets close the door then talk about things that shouldn’t be talked behind closed doors. Its the underlying factor how these people start to potentially violate public records laws, or to try to play the Privacy Rules of FERPA and HIPPA over the Public’s Right to Know Laws.
These liberal union cunts also thought we were so stupid that if a kid would go crazy in another classroom on the other side of the campus and get CPI restraints, that we didn’t know what was really going on thanks to the Corruption-Enabling (overzealous privacy enabling) Hacks in our schools!
And I wonder why I can’t talk to strangers! Because I was subliminally taught to have behind closed doors conversations with people in private!
I have no respect for women. They corrupt government, and they corrupt society and fuck up the most vulnerable people in society by overprotecting us! I sometimes wonder why in the fuck god created Eve. I suppose god is a filthy old jerk.