The Pursuit of Happiness

I had a meeting with my support team for my services earlier yesterday. I want to keep such sensitive information private, since I do not want to exploit such special needs services. Part of it is  such a political drama over the last few years. The Great Recession hasn’t helped the manners. However, the New Year is coming, and I am trying to survive a day to day live meanwhile having to deal with more and more accountability and additional people-pleasing. This New Year mentality is starting to become something I’m not looking forward to.

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Why in the f*** do we need to use "nerotypical"?

Or hell call it “NT”?
I know its a registered trademark of Nortel (Previously known as Northern Telecom), but Nortel has gone bankrupt and many of their businesses have gone on wholesale, so I don’t know what actual company might own the trademark.  In fact its alleged that might had been the reason why Microsoft didn’t use the NT branding in Windows 2000 (and eliminating totally by Windows XP or NT 5.1) because of a potential lawsuit of Nortel.
I have so much opposition of such techno terminology of the whole hell known as the Autism Spectrum Disorders. For one thing, why in the hell do we need a “label” (for a lack of a better word) to describe the “normal” population. Are we afraid to degrade their potential or are we afraid to degrade the hack psych-o-logists and other “professionals” that had pissed a lot of money into an Ivy League education in the study of psych-o-logy?
This is beyond words like patently absurd. I just can’t get why such groups (mostly in the Asperger world – which is NOT autism) has to make such confusion.
Enough with the acronyms and abbreviations, enough with the technicality of the “labels” enough with having pride with a disorder that is technically unrelated with autism and please for the AS community, dont flaunt your pride that is similar to homosexual population. It’s just plain insulting to the legitimate group who is feeling ASHAMED instead of coming out of the closet as a super high functioning retard.