Men Scare Me…Part Eight

2022 was a cringy year for masculinity. In less than a year, a man I never heard of, was detained and arrested at the end of the year for child trafficking.

This man is Andrew Tate and his brother Tristian.

For those who are not familiar of these two, they are Pickup Artists, bragging about all their alleged wealth through apparent multi level marketing pyramid schemes to turn men more masculine and pick up girls. Their masculinity is very traditional… err toxic and they seek out men to be as macho as possible while getting the most softest, feminine, submissive girl in their lives. Whether or not they lean into Long Term Relationships is outside of his scope.

At the end of the year, after a Twitter feud with Greta Thunberg and Andrew Tate, Thunberg believe it or not is autistic (I never knew it formally till a week ago) and Tate, the allegedly typical guy didn’t get the sarcasm from the female autistic making a phony email address on climate change accusing him of “low dick energy”. It was fucking hilarious and after a video reply of Tate denying climate change, bragging about his wheels, a pizza box was delivered to him as the cameras rolled (of which Tate explicitly said to not recycle), the print of the pizza joint confirmed that Tate and his brother was in Romania and the police allegedly took him to custody for alleged sex trafficking.

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Men Scare Me… Part Six

Jordan Peterson recently had a discussion on narcissism with Generation Z (also known as iGen), sometimes referred to the Millennial Generation as well. The episode interviews an expert on this generation and the narcissistic outcomes that social media brought…

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Men Scare Me…part three

Jordi is an asshole…

On YouTube on Sunday, the other better-known despite being a notorious Canadian post this fine shit…

For one thing, WTF is using the wimpy, wishy washy “Okay” being so accepted? It’s another reminder that the gender of the X chromosome is implied to be disposable, and because they build bridges and buildings they ought to have authority to a woman’s body and relationships and much like a ship wreck, one must sacrifice his life to preserve others.

Why the fuck are we living in a Stone Age mentality? It’s fucking 2022 AD… and men can’t learn the very same things they build is automating them out of a job? And these macho men can’t take responsibility?

The attitude of “a little gratitude for that is in order” what fuck you think you are Jordi, General Patton?

I hate men as a man!

Thirty Five and Single

When I created A Puzzling View on Relationships, I remember getting flack on the socials at the time for being “bitter”. In the last decade (err really a couple years after 2012), I did try to improve myself to the best of my ability; then after receiving therapy, I still struggled. It’s how one communicates feeling left-out.

In reality, I am no different than when I was 25 in terms of being single, or worse perpetually single.  The environment gotten so much worse. It was years before #MeToo, it was years before MGTOW and PUAs coming out of the fringes into cringes in the mainstream. In 2021, being single was probably the worse part. Add the horrible politics of 2022 with women, it makes it a really tough time to be a man if being a man is so politically incorrect.

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