The Twenty-Six Year Old Virgin

I wear that status as a badge of honor.
I don’t think there are that many 26 year olds guys that are virgins.  Obviously the same can be applied to girls, since many of them, dare I say have “done it” never mind kissing and stuff.
I feel that I stand out of the crowd even if people know it.
I think it can be a good thing because being an outsider looking into a 4 wall glass, and sometimes and outsider can give you a better prospective on a subject similar to this. Sometimes I think the 4 wall clear glass is like the modern day “state school” or an institution for the mentally retarded.  Just because an institution is closed down, it just moves to another place.
Well, I feel as I get older, I’ll be 40 in nearly 13 years. That’s scary, especially when my clock is ticking, and I am not sure if I want to breed another depressed autistic into the world.
I mentioned in the beginning of this blog (the first carnation last summer) that females peak in their sexuality in their mid twenties. And to have a proper relationship of having commonality, that is going to be cutting it if I can’t find anyone my own age. (Yes, because many autistics are creepy like people, we were forced to learn to be around our own type, our own ages, and that the “7 year rule” is stricken out with the “2 year rule” that is an expectation – when you are in high schoolWhat hurts me the most, is that many teenagers are more socially experienced than I am! 
I had to carry the baggage about the understanding of the realization of my actual social abilities for so long. My “social IQ” is very low. I have a hard time at times understanding the others feelings or visions. People especially “normal” people my age are not understanding, but would understand someone who has dark skin. (Yes, people in this society are racist  is it so sad?)
If I want a girl in my life, I don’t even care if she is near my age group. How many people of my or your age group is intelligent, who can speak articluatly, who watches traditional TV, or consumes news from professionals (like the newspapers, local TV, talk or all news radio?) How many of them use computers whether or not they like it or not? How many single girls are out there who love gadgets? It’s always a tease for me to to go to the local RadioShack and see a cutie that appears to be taken. Hell, RadioShack isn’t what it used to be, but there needs to be credit where credit is due when there is a girl out there that at least gives a damn about tech.
I’ve also said this, where it bears repeating: good looking girls are taken, decent caring girls are taken, girls with compassion are taken. Which leaves the hot looking and aggressive attitudes single, the not so pretty girls are single, and motherly types I don’t want to be arms length to!
As painful as it is, sometimes its best to be single and pure and to avoid love at all costs. It has put a huge cost my life, taking away years that were wasted that I can’t get back. The best option is to just move on and try to not engage with ladies, and just be at arms length and run away if they are showing interest.