Video: “I Have No Friends”

This video deserves the least amount of words. This 1/4 century year old known as Girl in a Blue Dress is not that far away from where yours truly is based. The video was recorded after the Dartmouth school year of 2022. She also mentions “Hampton” in this clip. Yesterday, this video accelerated as YouTubers Aba and Preach (who often critiques the “red pill”) threw a lot of opinions that wasn’t necessary.

I made my own comments. I feel so bad, though I can relate but I have my own struggles


Age Gap Relationships

It’s been a while…

How’s your summer in here in the States, hot or not? It’s been mayhem as the situation is more borderline or autistic than myself. I have to yet again sacrifice without bitching about changes of routine. I dream of stability – it’s so bad, I lust for it.

I really wished I never was born. Period. Full stop.

Let’s move on to a more pressier topic.

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