I don’t do too well on setting goals and target objectives but this is a small vision I see for this blog, as this blog is still in Beta stage:
- To speak about various forms of “relationships” like
- family, parents, siblings, cousins
- friendships, and how to figure out the hierarchy with “mutual friends” vs. “close friends” v.s. BFFs, etc.
- What defines acquaintances, “familiar faces”, “friends” professional relationships
- From what I see as an individual, basing such analysis from “people watching”, looking at Facebook profiles, and simple profiling of people and their relationships rom a naked eye
- Is the mass media destroying relationships?
- Is there “mixed messages” about relationships?
- Are people afraid of expanding their social circle due to unnecessary teaching about socializing?
More of this can be found on the Mission Statement Page
Unlike the other blog I have been publishing since its go live date in January 2011, I want to expand this issue onto a larger and deeper scale. I also want to attract a larger audience and maybe see this blog as being more successful than the other blog, maybe with more followers and reciprocation between the readers responding to this blog and vice versa.
I will warn, that this blog won’t give many answers, but more asking questions that probably won’t be answered, hence the “puzzling” in the title. It’s very frustrating that a small (but a growing) group of people have been taken advantage of being left out for being “like everyone else.” I am crafting ideas of new posts to put it out into the ether about the general view about the definition of “relationships”