
This was already posted on The Forgotten Autistic in early September. This post was actually going to posted right after the premiere, though I moved it to the other blog instead. Regardless, I wanted to post the “best of” (even when this blog isn’t a month old!) as the last year has been very difficult year for me, and these feelings and experiences  are coming at the worst timing for this blog. I promise that sooner or later I will get this blog to what I’ve been meaning to do about figuring out what the definition of “relationships” are and how define what “love” is. I herenow introduce you to the post. 
This post discusses my discipline as a writer and publisher of the couple of blogs I manage and the method to my skill as a blogger.
I think writing issues and stories on blogs are important. The ease of building a blog within a day is much easier than building websites to write stories and issues. (Not to say that we need websites – I actually don’t like how some websites are based on blogs -since that is an “easier” way to manage content – it looks too simple.)
I have a lot of experience in blogging. I started with LiveJournal (does anyone remember them?), then to MySpace (as a public journal and also journalizing my life too), then Blogger (which really surprisingly sucked given it was a Google product) and then to WordPress. I’ve learn from both my experiences as a writer and as a reader to another’s blog.
I’ll admit I love the attention that comes into my blogs 🙂 With that being said, I want to make sure when someone is reading my blog, that I get their undivided attention. I want to make sure my reader fully understands my thoughts, views, etc. Secondly, while its important to get as many eyeballs as possible, the next most important thing is to retain as many as those eyeballs as possible. In order to keep the attention, its best to stay on the point, and try to not overwhelm them (another way of steering away attention.)
The last piece is to make sure the actual look and feel fits the substance of the blog. One has to make sure the blog isn’t too “high strung” with strong colors, and JPEGs that won’t just potentially burn your computers CPU or GPU but your own CPU in your brain. Nothing is more overwheling to a reader seeing oversized pictures and having difficulty trying to read the context of a specific post.
Its also important to keep your thoughts as tight (AND organized) as possible. In my stylebook, I try to keep a short subject paragraph up to five or so sentences and a longer subject no more than ten sentences per paragraph. Its also important to do a Subject line, and boldfaced to give your reader ether a reading break or have it broken down. Also, if there’s a quote, use the quote format, if theres a message you want to place loud and clear, boldface that phrase or statement. I try to keep general posts no less than a thousand words and anything above that four figures to be classified or intended as an “essay.” Its kinda like how print reporters are put into pressure to keep a certain story within a hundred or two of words, a TV reporter to have that “minute-thirty” package as tight as possible or even a radio reporter to keep her report within 20 seconds of a soundbyte if that.
If you want your voice heard loud and clear, its really important to be as organized as possible. Some people might not be born to be public speakers or writers, but to help with that issue, its best to have a rundown, start with things in an outline form (as I call the Talking Points), and it doesn’t help to do PowerPoints, if you are doing speaking events. I’ve seen people (actually with special needs) not getting their thoughts out clearly because of a lack of simple organization and thought processes.
With that said, I did this within 520 words!

Update, part three

Phase III has been complete. About twentysomething posts from The Forgotten Autistic about love and relationships have successfully been copied over and most of them are live and can be read in the Love + Relationships = Confusion. I don’t have followers yet, but I am seeing one or two people liking the posts, but to those people who are indirectly following the blog expect tweaks before September 10th about 8 or so days from now.
The last phase will be a new logo for the blog and additional tweaks leading to the premiere.
If you want a history of the phases:
Phase I: Alpha Stage – the blog was set to private to logged users only.
Phase II: Beta Stage – the blog went live publicly including the a few test posts based on the vision of this blog
Phase III: Copying the post on love and relationships from the other blog onto here as historical reference.
The plan is still on the general idea of love, friendships, etc. to be intended for a general audience from the eyes of someone with an autistic disorder.
I hope this blog will be a success – even if people won’t get answers to the questions they search online.

A general goal for this blog

I don’t do too well on setting goals and target objectives but this is a small vision I see for this blog, as this blog is still in Beta stage:

  • To speak about various forms of “relationships” like
    • family, parents, siblings, cousins
    • friendships, and how to figure out the hierarchy with “mutual friends” vs. “close friends” v.s. BFFs, etc.
    • What defines acquaintances, “familiar faces”, “friends” professional relationships
  • From what I see as an individual, basing such analysis from “people watching”, looking at Facebook profiles, and simple profiling of people and their relationships rom a naked eye
  • Is the mass media destroying relationships?
  • Is there “mixed messages” about relationships?
  • Are people afraid of expanding their social circle due to unnecessary teaching about socializing?

More of this can be found on the Mission Statement Page
Unlike the other blog I have been publishing since its go live date in January 2011, I want to expand this issue onto a larger and deeper scale. I also want to attract a larger audience and maybe see this blog as being more successful than the other blog, maybe with more followers and reciprocation between the readers responding to this blog and vice versa.
I will warn, that this blog won’t give many answers, but more asking questions that probably  won’t be answered, hence the “puzzling” in the title. It’s very frustrating that a small (but a growing) group of people have been taken advantage of being left out for being “like everyone else.” I am crafting ideas of new posts to put it out into the ether about the general view about the definition of  “relationships”