Why are Typical Men Regressing to the 1000s?

In the ongoing series of Men Scare Me, I wanted to dig deep and figure out why men have become primitive in the last few years? In the dangerous rise of man-o-spheres and alpha males defending in the range of overcompensating, it makes me wonder what the hell happened. I see correlation of men mixed with narcissistic fingerprints, and an obsession to family values, that is creepy in nature and not just autistic children, but now anyone.

There’s something-a-wrong with men, American men, and overall masculinity. The rise of language you thought you’d never hear again like “women are property” “the feminists are c*nts”  don’t go for a girl with low mileage… I have seen this stuff online back around 2017 with the MGTOW cult, that is Men Going Their Own Way, but the sister (oh I am sorry “brother”) to that is the Pickup Artists or PUA. The commonalities between PUA and say a feminist is they like to bang with a lot of women (at least from what I can tell what a PUA’s underlying sexual desires are.) It’s not to say that not all feminists are sluts, and there are probably many feminists who haven’t done-it either.

I take the hyper masculinity as something akin to a DNA, or a hardcoded (like a ROM Chip) but ROM chips can be updated through various and meticulous ways. However the men today have apparently forgotten their brain has ROM and updatable codes. What do I mean by all of this?


the production of offspring; reproduction: in general animals copulate purely for the purpose of procreation | human procreation. – New Oxford American Dictionary

I define procreation as indiscriminate sexual acts in the most utilitarian way; it’s not supposed to be literally sexy; it’s not to have pleasure sexually, it’s the lone thing to make a child, and “extend the legacy” of the man because in the alleged patriarchal system, the world revolves around the oldest man. It’s also a survival method, to grow by numbers by having offsprings, but not children. Not individuals ether. The PUAs really believe people having many offsprings for the sake of defending the ol boys club.

Extending the Family Blood

Another scam in the whole family unit is to extend the family’s legacy through the children and not allowing the children to be individuals. If America was stuck in the 1950s, we would be nowhere I suspect. The whole nuclear family bullshit means that children stay in a box, genders are often excessively stereotyped, that they are not allowed to take risks. Conservative types are talking about this, but they aren’t realizing if they are doing it to the very same children.

Adult Children of a Legacy, in a Bind

Even if the eldest man is not a good dad material, and has a cold heart, and doesn’t care about the child’s own interest.  Case in point, look at The Trump Organization; and the treatment of Donald Trump’s brother (Mary Trump’s father) for making his own name for himself, and how Fred Trump (Donald’s Dad) threw him out. While Donald claims he never drinks because of what happened to his brother, drinking one sip of wine in a blue moon does not mean you’ll get sick like his brother. But look at his children. The NYS authorities are trying to press charges against The Trump Organization, and the headlines. are “Trump and his children”. When I see a story of a man “and children”, I think they are school age or college age, not 30somethings. The Trump children were basically being drilled to obey their master or be completely cut off. I find this to be very common in these old school family units, that often the hierarchal-children will have to find a good therapist for CPTSD recovery, that is Complex PTSD.

“It’s all natural” – To What End?

One of the other tropes of this defense of alpha males is the natural instincts like that Boot ROM analogy. Men prefer younger, skinnier women for the sole purpose of creating offsprings for the children to carry on the burden of their legacy. If the man is closer to 40 and the girl is barely legal and had more days legally as a “girl” than a “woman”, that’s completely OK, because social norms are no longer accepted. The world is ending and the human race needs to keep on chuggling along, and so if you’re interested in pulling Matt Gatez (allegedly); of trafficking “17 year old young woman” (Florida law does not define anyone under 18 legally with adult genders as legal pronouns. Most people agree there are 4 legal genders, boy, girl, woman and man… and Gatez is his late 30s, but his brain is back into the 1400s, as if Christopher Columbus is sailing around)

Let’s unpack this further. A guy likes a college age girl, his hormones are still raging. She’s in a cute outfit, she’s showing skin. She’s got some hardware on too. For most heterosexual types, the guy will get a boner. Same thing with a college girl, she sees a cute guy and her panties go up in a bunch.

Those are agreed upon (maybe not in the cisgendered world for an example.) Here’s where the line gets crossed of what’s “natural” and what’s “primitive” like a five year old’s brain. There is this growing obsession of men preferring younger women in the name of making offsprings. If a girl shows off her boobs, that means that young woman is signaling fertility (allegedly!) The man’s obsession to a waist-to-hip ratio, is critical if he wants to make babies and be a sperm machine. I could get it, I see an apparent legal young woman  whose like a decade younger than me, and if she’s got a hot bod, maybe we could make babies, but the difference is I think of that in a covert sense, and I want to really love the woman. The modern man completely is overt without saying it, but his actions speak louder than his silence. As the Andrew Tates, the ghosts of Kevin Samuels’ past and the Fresh & Fit dudes continue on their scam, expect more obscenely inappropriate relationships, a really huge age cleavage between the younger biological woman and the older man. The logic between these alphas is the seven-year rule should be thrown out in the name again to to procreate offsprings to extend the man’s legacy.

Man Protects Woman, Woman Protects Kids… WHAT???

This stream of authority vs autonomy of a woman is hardwired on legacy ol code that the man must protect the woman from predators like dinosaurs or other creatures, and the woman has enough strength to protect the offsprings as they are smaller bodies and they can’t fight for themselves. This is fucking 2022 AD, why are people saying this? It’s because the woman must remain dumb, and cute looking so she can be dependent on the man and be good -enough to cook and care for the children. The father does not want to be involved with the children on often, as working yourself to death apparently is the way to climb up a corporate ladder or building bridges. But yet men do not have paternity leave rights in many places, and there are other disadvantages to men today, but yet what happens to this culture of family values?’

Or is the family just simply a company so to speak? A group of human beings but have this structure of an incorporation?

These are NOT the family values I stand for. I want to be in a singular relationship than being out right single. I want to seriously be in a romantic love with a woman that loves me and we care for each other. Our intimate relationship (if that were to ever happen) would be more in depth than just hugging and kissing. By putting my stick into my lover’s hole may result of a creation of a child, and that creation of that child is a gift to the world and when the child reaches a mature age, the parent has no business manipulating the hierarchal child’s success. Our pride would be based on the happiness of the child.

That ‘graph would be seen by many as a soyboy, a f-ggot, a girly-man; because apparently I am supposed to be a MVP or a VIP with lots of social st-a-t-us (Tate’s pronunciation) and demand “loyalty” (whatever the hell they mean) work 16 hours to come home to a cooked meal by the loved one because he expects it. Whatever the hell that means too.

As I say, the 1960s didn’t happen because it followed the 1950s. This was ticking time bomb of a broken social-structure, that has gone on for decades and without repairing and reforming that so-called “patriarchy”, you have extreme ends, resulting in 70% of men under 30 not having any sexual experience as of 2022 statistics. Don’t tell me that’s a fault of Big Pharma causing 4 out of 5 boys having autism that’s now 1 in 44 cases. 

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