Hide Under a Baseplate?

A baseplate is typically a bottom foundation piece for a Lego structure.

I want to hide underneath that foundation at this point.

In the last few years, social conservatism has doubled year over year. For instance, in 2021, I started to see more online content on masculinity, in 2022, the toxic types like Kevin Samuels and Andrew Tate came out of the woodwork. By the end of the year, /r/tradfem blew up from the bottom, really strange people like JustPearlyThings has had a large following and “RealFemSapin” has gotten alot of hard right social conservatives to come out of the bunker to dismiss a vast majority of people they don’t tolerate.

These uber young, ultra conservatives do not know what life was like when they were born in the late 1990s, these people really look like they belong in the broken 1950s, of which repeat after me: The 1950s Gave Us the 1960s! The nuclear family is just as a theory that has proven to bring horrible results to individual hierarchal children. The social tight righties have are eating each other alive much like on the left of center. Courtney Ryan is more shallow than when I exposed her in The Weekly Zoo in 2021.

For anyone whose autistic (male and straight and average intelligence) don’t be alarmed of what I am about to tell you. They’re coming for you. Their world of disabilities is visible and physical. Ryan for instance, recently posted a video on YouTube sympathizing with a deaf person. But what am I to kid, the leftie crazy Canadian Cutie known as Liz Plank exploits the invisibly disabled in her alleged activism.

We are living in really insane times, and all the social progress is offending typical Caucasians who don’t like to be bothered by people that don’t look sound or feel like them. And if you’re one of them then they’ll ignore your existence. While on the left was known for demoralizing “the other side”, it was just words and not actions, making their rhetoric be implicit. When you hear or see explicit ablism, sexism, and xenophobia and racism, this should be taken seriously.

When you see Andrew Tate refer to autistic men as “Autists” you know this is pretty serious shit.

My recommendation is you build a support network, the strongest possible so when the right gets their way to write off my group of people, at least you have something to fall onto when that time happens. Typical Caucasian People will survive despite their whining of intolerances, but the rest of us will be dead in the political heat.


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