The Boy-Mom in the Autism World… the infamous Autism Mom

If you search for “boy mom” on the web.. you’ll find results about a rising trend on TikTok and other Reel-like platforms about a stereotypical mother… that’s also their identity.

The boy-mom describes herself as…

  • that female birthing human that gave a young male a life (OK a bit corny, just in case people need a very kindergarten like definition of a mom!)
  • The mother puts all her emotional resources on her son
  • The son becomes her adopted man figure (if she’s single)
  • She posts a lot of photos of her and her son as if they are a couple
  • Emotional incest is implied
  • Her image of herself gets put onto her son
  • She’ll be her son’s “first kiss” but for most normal sons, we would never consider our mothers as our “first kiss”
  • She’ll pick and choose the girls he falls in love with, and dump, or even ostracize the girls he likes.

Now we put “autism mom” into the mix… then it’s boy-mom (and everything bulleted above) but on steroids…

  • the mom uses her child as a prop for the injustices of big pharama if the child’s autism was caused by a vax injury
  • She will post online about every detail about her child (but plays the victim
  • She will never say anything nice about her child (antonymous to the boy-mom where it’s all positive)
  • The child can’t do anything right, the autism mom figure will use the worse examples as the identity of the parent (such as pictures of hotel rooms with chairs up to the celing so the child can’t elope.
  • Emotional incest is beyond tolerable, and is never called out. (The principal writer of the Age of Autism has posted repeatedly about her autistic daughter’s … sorry “daughter with Autism” lacking the ability to control menstrual flows, and talk about it candidly, and not even a slight level of grace, of teasing the reader, but even post photos of her daughter with menstrual outfits.
  • Lacking autonomy (common with boy-moms; but worse for autism parents) because they imply they can’t even consent, so the parents know what’s best. No nuance, no discussion.
  • (for higher functioning), picking and choosing with girl should be in their lives, and like the boy moms, they’ll ostracize or abandon you if you go with the crazy, but loving girl.
  • If you have social skills or empathy, they’ll take advantage of your abilities even if you don’t want to (person is an asshole or something wacky like that.)

Specifically in the Age of Autism digital world there is no standards whatsoever. Compared to this platform, dating back to the 2011 version of my works, I kept a zero-tolerance policy when writing specifically about family members because they wanted privacy. My other members of my family would be left out overall. Or if there was something about them, I would write it generically. At least there was boundaries. But in enmeshed families, as the word enmesh applies, boundaries are blurry, and like a goal post, it moves around. There will always be an entitlement of cooperation, not an expectation of responsibilities, because they want to outsource it to their victims, their own non-consenting legal child.

AofA will block you if you criticize on context, not on words, because any critique is insults, because they have a fragile ego. Sensitivity is always never a personality defect in autism moms. They don’t have any editorial skills, they are raw and often talking out of their ass.

The vaccine injured population, with cases from the late 1990s, is right against their parents – Generation X, the 13th generation of Americans smacked between the Millennials and Boomers. Xers also known as the slacker generation, the latchkey kids, the out till the sun went down, reached out and touched grass, and whores your Facebook feed of “kids today will never understand the [lack of technology of the 1980s]” This hyper-old nee-maw of 50somethings has a lot of covert narcissism mixed with abandoned childhood wounds.

It’s really important to underscore Gen X’s political and world view is center-right, or libertarian. Joe Rogan is of the prime age of Xers. Xers long for the days of “Regnomics”, a Wal-Mart brand of knockoff of poor economic agendas, that got taken back by 1987’s Black Monday, of which conveniently people whitewash history (no pun.) I put a lot of blame of today’s economy to the disaster of the 80s, of low interest rates, deregulated industries in the name of always growing. Because what if the economy becomes autistic because thats what economies do? They can regress.

Gen X always wants to be happy, they don’t like depressing things, so getting a diagnosis of a child’s autism, is comparable to death. While I didn’t use co-dependency in either example the emotional co-dependency on the narcissistic autism mom is very apparent. In order for the autism mom to be happy, the child must be happy. This is such a dangerous path for the hierarchal child, but the accountability and or responsibility is lied to the most weakest offspring in the chain.

Social media has something to do with this rise of toxic parenting, but the standards most higher functioning autistics are expected to (basically don’t post anything because we can’t trust your instincts” is a completely different standards of the special needs boy mom type who actually uses their disability as the crutch, and for many years they have gotten away with it. It’s unclear when that will ever be called out to the masses.


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