Incels? Autism? Not on my Bingo Card!

A Puzzling View on Relationships the then ASD and relationship WordPress blog, was written in retrospect really poorly written – of course that had to deal with my anger towards women, ahem I mean narcissistic people; I written about my teenage challenges, that bled into my twenties and later in life.

Andrew Tate or Fresh & not so Fit, or the Men’s Rights Activists were never considered to be on my bingo card. Even when I saw MRA type content (such as the blog,  Boycott American Women around 2014 or some MGTOW YouTubers in 2017) little would I know that these fringe groups would merge into a large cringe group as insecure men who are toxic themselves.


But what’s even unexpected in my bingo card, was that autism involuntary celibates would be a strong correlation such as one expert claiming that “it must be hard for a young man with autism to understand the dating market”… wait who is the typical person and who is comparing dating to trading commodities on the CME? Do I draw intraday charts of women’s sex appeal or draw candlestick charts of her Sexual Market Value?

Whose autistic again?

I think it’s much harder now to be single than being in your mid twenties and trash some parts of feminism and take the heat for hating women, but this is at such an ultimate low. There is an attempt to discredit all autistic men as shallow and strange men, and if this was reversed (say over-generalizing typical women ) this would not end well.

Men (and sometimes women) go into groups like going to the gym or do yoga, but sometimes this community lends itself into a cult, where the deeper messaging is through cynicism and hatred to the other.  In these private gatherings, this safe space is not to express freely without judgement, its those people who feel injust to literally be protected by people that think like them, I don’t like to say like-minded, because it’s really a feedback loop.

Are gyms and yoga studios bad? No, are there people who get fit not Freaks? Of course, but are we encouraging that? No because it’s much better to create breeding ground of ammonciity, then to actually try to solve underlying issues!

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