Survey Monkey Time! Will Our Dysfunctional State Gov’t Finally Listen?

Who knows…I’m not holding my breath

in a 7 question survey found on the client portal of my area agency, last week wether I was on my male-period or what, I decided to be blunt

Here was the 4th question: What improvements or changes would you like the Bureau of Development Services to consider regarding self-directed programs?

listen to the area agencies’ concerns as families are not allowed to be in contact with BDS or have BDS involved more with families and individuals

They also asked “Are there any innovative approaches or best practices you have encountered that support self-directed programs?”

listening to the individuals and not push them what a coordinator’s grand view is of supports and services.

Another one I threw in a Direct Support Professional shortage and how the state has a law that prohibits anyone making over $20 an hour without justification, the question was ”

What areas do you feel you need additional support to successfully manage your self-directed program?”

more *qualified* direct support staff that can be paid in a liveable wage [sic]

Anything else you want the BDS to know… I sure sounded off…

The Bureau knows for years pushing clients out into community based supports 6+ hour days and 5 days a week in the wild has not worked for a number of clients. Their vision of community based supports, for some individuals feels like someone else’s delusion. Also the importance of direct support professionals and how they need to be paid better, and the career ladder shouldn’t have DSP and management on the opposite sides of said ladder

I really don’t care about political correctness to conservative bureaucrats anymore – if their grannie panties go up in a bunch, not my responsibility. I can’t see this anymore.

One thought on “Survey Monkey Time! Will Our Dysfunctional State Gov’t Finally Listen?

  1. Pingback: Why The Granite State IDD Adults Are Likely Suffering | Hate the Granite State | #HopelessAutistic

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