While Justin Baldoni, little known actor and the principal host of the Man Enough Podcast is getting taken to the cleaners by A-lister Blake Lively in the legal system with the alleged happenings-on with It Ends With Us, the former female co host, Liz Plank (who left the weekday following the initial print) has not commented on Justin’s character, but has gone on complete deflection and distraction since. The other day, Liz makes a reflection in her LiveJournal with a paywall that is her Substack about how Gen Z hates Millennials because “they ain’t like us”
As I have said before, 80% of Millennials born shouldn’t been aborted to begin with, leaving them at only 20 million. Gen X the preceding generation hates both the Boomers and Millennials, and their offsprings, Gen Z would get those feels. But Liz’s apparent narcissism (common in Millennials), just weeks before three-eight (that’s Liz not me) is very evident in her what she would call her writings an “essay”
“Let’s be real: millennials had it all. Not in the way that Boomers think we did (homeownership, job security, a functioning planet), but in the way that actually matters. We had the best cultural artifacts: the television that turned girlhood into high art”
WTF “girlhood”? I thought millennial girls would become women, it confirms the infantile nature of said generation. Not to mention that my generation grew up on celeb culture as the rise of TMZ and Us Weekly became a staple… the media can be blamed for that,
“Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj were fighting on Twitter before the app was disintegrated by an evil billionaire.”
Given how technically inept Millennials are, Twitter was website and had SMS posting abilities before it was used on smartphones. Just saying/ And why is she implicitly showing hate for Elon Musk? Why use that same energy for your “love of men” to those you love instead?
On some wildly biased word salad…
“Millennials were also the last generation to experience social media when it was fun, before it turned into a full-time job. When Instagram was just pics of or feet and brunch in sepia tone, and not a place to manufacture your personality into something aesthetically digestible to others.”
Wait I thought the name of the filters were named after developers dogs according to former Tech TV alum Kevin Rose (who had a gig at Insta.) What am I supposed to think, Liz is a “girl” afterall…
“Social media was essentially one big group chat, just a place for your friends and family to keep up with you. The virtual world wasn’t more important than the real one. We went out, drank vodka sodas, made mistakes, and those mistakes stayed in the bar bathroom.”
How is that any different today? Gen Z isn’t on social probably because they don’t want to be tied to their emeshed families that are too emotionally connected to apps. Millennials stalk their friend’s stories just to suck in their oxygen as a form of “connection”. They can’t write a comment, they are EQ enough to use the reax buttons, but they are so inept to using the video and voice chats of Messenger, they treat the Blue App as if it was still a web site on a web browser from 2007… your generation is horrible to socialization and understanding tech!
Why? Because many of you were drunk as skunk punks! That your generation had so much recreational sex no wonder why you’re talking like a 70 year old!
“Before the infinite scroll was introduced in 2006, being on your phone was like eating a bag of chips, at some point, it was just over. You reached the bottom and moved on.”
Oooo Liz and her Chips, remember how she broke the Web with her crazy pose with Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer , that webisode was a one hit wonder, much like lots of Liz’s gigs.
You’re too cool to use the “phone” for what it was intended, voice calls. Google the phrase “telephone” or “telephony” and you’ll see what I mean.
” We took blurry digital camera photos that lived in Facebook albums with names like Summer Daze 2k9 because the only audience was the people we knew.”
Nice us-vs-them Elizabeth. Nice.
“To be in your twenties in the 2010s felt like being on the last plane leaving Guam. If you were a girl, you were the first generation of women who truly had choices, not just in theory, but in practice. Unlike our mothers, we weren’t expected to marry straight out of college. We could be messy, ambitious, chaotic, and unapologetic in ways they never could.”
So you want to have the freedom of a woman but want the responsibilities of an underage “girl”. This is this the reason why Gen X and Gen Z hates you.
The whole feminism stuff is just more word salad, the Obama stuff is interesting because so many voted for Obama voted for Trump at least in the last 2 elections.. that’s left out.
“And as someone who worked in media during the golden age of digital media—the BuzzFeed/Vox/Mic era, where so many of us got our start—it felt like we had won the career lottery. The internet [sic] was still a playground, journalism wasn’t yet a graveyard, and entire media companies were built on the radical idea that young people cared and wanted to make things that mattered. We worked at startups that had cold brew on tap and bean bags in the conference room, writing articles with headlines like 25 Reasons Millennials Will Save the World and actually believing it.”
Millennials ruined (ooo I am sorry aborted) journalism with their corrupted startup feels. You were acting like study time while you’re on the clock. You folks worked hard on activism, which where has that lead you?
I think I can go so far to say that Gen Z is more authentic than the Boomer’s offsprings. You fucking 30somethings love your plain morbid “esthetic” than being truly who you are. There is no such condition as “Imposter’s Syndrome” you folks invented it because you are fake as fuck!
Millennials are the plague. You guys don’t how really inferior you are and you cover in buzzwords, word salad and worse “astethics”. Glad the Millennials aren’t reproducing as much, because Gen Alpha is worse!
Liz is a classic example of a civilian clock where it’s right twice a day. Millennials are dumb as bricks, they can’t tell you how TCP/IP works, or claim you’re “wired” but prefer wireless instead. Not to mention how they are so accepting and tolerable to queer and people of color but they counter said tolerance as they call my group “retarded” so liberally. Sure you may had posted a video in your Substack about avoiding the word, but hey, you’re singling out the largest group of invisibly disabled people that Gen Z gets more than you! they don’t really know much other than cultural stuff. And Gen Z is hurting and I didn’t bother quoting her word salad of the Red Pill movement (so much words and not explicit phrases. I have written extensively why i find them to be vermin As this post comes to press, it seems like Millennials are dying like plague such as actress Michelle Tratrenberg passing randomly at 39, not the only one just dying so young.
Just go back to fucking Montreal Liz. And go back home the back way via US 3 in Pittsburg, NH…pluhease!

it’s only three and a half hours to the city from here Elizabeth.
`Update: about ten minutes after initial posting a couple spelling corrections, added tags and inserted the Pittsburg file photo after the fact not prior to initial posting.