I don’t like the fact of aging or being in second-hand aging. I remember my gram in her 50s and seeing things that I won’t share here, seem to be repeating with my mother. But my mother acts like she’s more like 70 (which is more common in Gen X for sure, I know too many of these ladies leaving 40 thinking they’re going to drop dead.
For me this is extremely emotionally taxing and very depressing, because any of my remaining youth and if a lack of any innocence remaining means I will have to be the caretaker of my mother sooner than later, which means I must sacrifice my own identity of potentially raising my own kids.
The rhetoric of “time flies” or “remember when?” or the typical menopausal woman-speak just gets so tiring. it’s almost as if they get more narcissistic as they age. The manosphere/red-pill crowds encourage procreation so their own offsprings and wipe their asses off when they get old. Wait isn’t being married to someone supposed to be doing that too? By those evil men says kids should be born to burry their parents is so demoralizing.
I know that 1/2 your age plus 7 is extremely controversial, but there is no one my own age, so why should I be blamed for at least trying to find someone that is at least above legal age and at least by this point born around the millennia to find a happy relationship? I am pushing for a Young, Cute and Sexy female in my life and a YCS figure that comes to mind is like that brunette, whose just as tall as me, skinny with a size small frame, whose so happy and jolly. She’s at least 13 years younger than I. But what am I supposed to do? All the millennials are not available that almost all of them are emotionally unavailable.
By going with someone reasonably younger, you can extend the menopausal time by at least 25 years, god willing!
Old people make me sad, makes me have to feel for them, and they’re an anchor to other people’s happiness. It’s getting to me.