A Ten Year Follow Up on my Resentment to Millennials (They’ll Pass On as Useful Idiots)

I have written about Millennials on and off for the last decade plus, but I haven’t really followed up on this said generation that I technically fall into, but for the longest time I related to Gen Xers until they were worse than millennials and started to sympathize with Generation Z instead.

Can we call these 100 Million Millennials the Cluster-B Generation instead?

I still standby my belief to the point that I have said in other venues that of the 100 million or so Americans between the ages of 42 to 29, 80% should’ve been sent to a trash can of an abortion clinic. Millennials are extremely as narcissistic and unempathic  like they were in their twenties a decade ago. What I’ve realized is…

  • Fakery, Toxic and Antagonistic: Their selfish personalities were formed in high school (or even earlier), Unempathic, leading people on, the fakery, and the pseudo-friendships, helped by the Blue App. This generation lacks the most empathy, probably second to Boomers then Gen X. They are the most emotionally unavailable generation from my experiences, that is not in control of science and university “studies”
  • Millennials are not tech savvy: the press put these groups on an insane pedestal and they rode the rise of technology created by their parent’s generation and was maturing in the late 90s when Millennials were the first generation to consume the technology without needing to have any technical knowledge.
  • Anti-Social Media: like a broken clock, it’s right twice a day – at least the civilian US. Since Facebook’s inception and adoption of millennials in the late oughts, Facebook acquired Instagram, Whatsapp, and other platforms and Millennials aged people are the ones who share the least, insist they only post things about their dog, but yet the Blue App is sucking so much information. They have this Blue App but they are using this like it’s 2004. Advancements such as live streaming, advanced audio and video chat on Messenger, and other for better or for worse improvements, but this tech savvy generation still posts images, videos and text based status updates, all 2000s era functionality. So much for “daring to share” themselves.
  • Anti Social Media…Weaponized by the Millennials: They exploit other more shareable users to suck in interest. As many Millennials present narcissistic like traits, is they will most likely use the person who shares a lot against the receiving end’s soul. For instance, if you post images as Stories, expect this generation to just gawk because they know better to not leave comments or engage. It’s stalking in the intra-social network sense, because it’s the people that you think knows you, but this allows for easy manipulation and not engage. Reacting to a post with the various emotions, is the hardest thing a Millennial can do
  • Millennials Lead People On (not in the Infatuation Sense) Millennials are not vulernable by default, so if you are asking what you really want, don’t expect them to provide you for a meaningful response, they will leave you hanging and if you’re struggling, and share that on social media, they will just save you with a reax button, but it’s not my problem attitude. If you ask to see them in IRL, don’t be surprised to see dead air. They’ll leave you hanging
  • Tolerance towards others, but you’re not one of them. Millennials are credited by experts for being more tolerant to people who are in the LGBTQ community, and Black and Brown people, while that’s great, they are the oldest generation to lack empathy for people with autistic disorders. This is also the “Retarded” Generation, a phrase that is commonly used by said generation intentionally to degrade.  While their parents were kids, many of us were at Laconia, hence why Baby Boomers are second in the in-tolerance of nerodivergent people, anyone who isn’t typical is considered to be crazy or have “mental” issues said by the generation born between 1982 to 1995.

Like any toxic person, Millennials will not age well, and will become more of a PITA… Gen Alpha is to some considered to be warning sign as these babies to teenagers are showing worse symptoms of apathy compared to their Millennial parents. I’d rather stop with chromosome generations and call these Mini Millennials, and if they are becoming wild and crazy what does that mean when in event Millennials take control of institutions? Oh wait we have AOC, oh wait there’s others too. They’re annoying a/f and imagine more of these people who are coming of prime age.

I’ve had so many bad experiences with this generation – oh wait it’s my generation too. I don’t hope anything for them. They are just bogging down our society with their perpetual infantile lack of empathy and emotion while they are less overt of the It’s All About Me, but being more covert about it is more alarming then when it was so overt.

Can we call these 100 Million Millennials the Cluster-B Generation instead?


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