The “self advocacy” world needs some training on PR… you know public relations.
Late in October, there was inklings that the Family Support Conference was going to be the next block where I was staying on the first weekend in November.
But the Family Support Conference wasn’t that clear in reality.
They were merely seeking the idea, but whether or not they even started to reach out to the Sheraton or got additional information is unclear.
The NHFSC basically implemented their own misinformation campaign. When it was ran by the infamous bureau in the state’s Department of Health and Human Services, none of this shit would’ve happened.
This is the plague of how the disability support system works. Use vague identifiers such as “may” or in this case “considering”, then actually set dates and places and still keep the fact up in the air. The result? People think the FSC will be in the Coast next April Vacation
But no, they aren’t even going to do a weekend. It will be single day event, right within at least a couple weeks to college graduation season, the last Saturday of May
I am not that surprised to see how small this group has become. When this conference was at it’s height, it was a still largely the visible disability subjects with family members as the proxy. But it’s now just a day for the Type-A/boss-biach types to “connect” and Hocver vulernable people to keep them at the top.