Are Activists Missing Something?

Earlier this evening, I was talking to the ol woman, and while I was waiting for our Domino’s order to arrive, I caught her up with the Zoom call with my therapist and mentioned the “political piñata”  and she mention how some people have an Utopian world view of black and brown people, disabled and women would be included in some dreamy way.

But I said something “why is.. it the people in crutches and wheelchairs?”

I understand that the physically impaired people had it really hard, and there is still improvements, but why are they having the cake and eating it too, while the invisibly disabled people are continuously not being “seen”?

In lots of these social justice movements, there is lots of hands up, or lifting up people, but it really begs the question, do they really want to be lifted or are they being propped up for one’s own political gain? Are these activists missing something here? Is there a PR issue with the messaging of their medium?

Also what the hell is “developmental disabilities” in 2024? Are many of these people just being lumped into the physically handicapped or the other way around via other types of dual- diagnosis?

When one really thinks about it, since the Civil Rights movements in the 1960s, we are in the situation where disability rights took much longer, but the disabled groups are broken into two, but the only one that is seen is the one that is more “obvious” and the more subtle, the nerodivergent type is not just singled out implicitly, they are completely shutting us out.

As a really strange example, how would say women feel if they were trying to be seen and the Black community tried to silence them in the 60s? For the present developmental delay that is impacting 1 in 30 people mostly males, and often more vilified than ever before, and with institutional experience of other civil rights movements in the past – why are people like me intentionally singled out, worse blacklisted, worse in a clown filter in the electronic world?

I am the rarity where I don’t use it as my identity but I am so hurt how when the identity is seen to many others as appropriate use, many others use it to shun. Why are we doing this?
