My Freckin’ Birthday

Tomorrow (or late tomorrow as I was born less than an hour before Friday the 13th, 37 years ago) will be my birthday. A few weeks ago, I was going to go low key because the last couple of years was extremely uncomfortable, and I just let it slide. My other took time off work, and I actually just kindly negotiated doing 1/2 day on Saturday and yesterday a full day today going to the mountains, as it was cold and snowy, the cold will stay up there tomorrow just without snow.

As you know, I’m a snow angel!

I know I am seen (sometimes in a creepy way from mama-bear types), I want to only be seen by pretty ladies, and be heard by virtually everyone else. That’s all I want at this point. I’ll be nice on my mother’s birthday, Mother’s Day or hell even Father’s Day and my Gram’s birthday even if she’s not with us physically. I don’t want to share the attention and sympathy anymore.  It’s my day dammit!


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