Autism Speaks Craziness, part five

Autism Speaks Craziness
I found some videos on YouTube that should make you really sick to your stomach. I don’t think I need to explain much details (unless I should say some in case I have visually impaired viewers.)
This first video is the infamous documentary produced by Autism Speaks entitled Autism Every Day  on WrongPlanet and they had actually beaten the crap out of this when it first circulated. Unfortunately, they caved in to receiving funding from Autism Speaks and now they have a tainted reputation, again that Asperger Syndrome is still not officially connected to autism.

The video starts with such deepening and deathly like music. The entire video focused on the negative, even near the end, when they basically faked their way of turning the negative into a positive experience. These Manhattanite women (you could even consider a few of these characters as Sex and the City-esque mothers – by telling their demeanor) because you know the rich are just like us – rigght – just ask the head of the New York Stock Exchange as I reported in April acting as the boy next door type. One of the mothers was frustrated since she can’t go out to have a coffee date with one of her girlfriends because her daughter is taking up much of her life.

The worst offender was when the mother halfway through the video said that she was contemplating suicide by driving off the G.W.B. with her autistic daughter. (The context is still in question since maybe she was referring to her struggles finding a kindergarten program for her, might had been a run off rant so to speak.) As she was saying such heavy statement, her daughter was walking in the room right as she said such strong statement.

These women have no idea that at least in New York State, they have “area agency” systems, and in other states they might even have a state agency for disabled people. In this entire video, no mention at all of any public or public/private programs as I had just mentioned, only the frustrations with the insurance companies and the debt they had entailed finding sources of revenue to make their kids somewhat happy.

So in that video, they had effectively made autism a third person, a Commander Data like humanoid and they can’t talk so therefore they are dumb.

The next YouTube video, makes you want to think twice about those A Walk for Autism that you get spammed by your ignorant liberal friends. The video shows how much the receive in these bake sale type of fundraisers, and how they just spend it on themselves! From the lavish digs on 7th Avenue, to the obscene salaries of this alleged non-profit entity, the chief officers and VPs making about nearly a half of a million dollars! Not to mention the excessive expenditures for advertising, facilities, and fixtures. The end of the clip states this statement: “Still feel like walking? Grab your dog and go to the park. It’s much more productive”
If you want to attempt to ether confront to Autism Speaks directly or even reply to your liberal friends’ spam invitation, don’t try to even tell them that Autism Speaks is a fraud! They won’t listen to you. They’ll treat you as if you are mute and dumb since that is Autism Speaks’ goal – to only let grown ups who don’t have autism (since they are afterall child-like – to them) and silence anyone who disagrees with them.
Geez, and I liked Bob Wright, who made a crippled business of one of the Big 3 network into a strong one before it got ruined by other GE mismanagers. But the Wrights does posses mismanagement skills. By running an alleged non-profit as a profit seeking entity and misleading the public.
If it was legal for me to punch people that have that blue puzzle pin, I would. Because they are arrogant and ignorant jerks.