Right Wingers Enforce Sexism…

The topic is on trans, crossdressing, and men. I want to indicate the subject of this blog is an autistic individual that has symptoms of learning challenges, anxiety, depression, ruminating thoughts. Sexuality and ASD (whether it’s legacy or post DSM-IV) is very complex but correlate but I believe it’s not a causation. This matter is mature in nature.

This will be indefinitely on a future episode of The Purple Pill. This post posted by someone on X formerly known as Twitter has a lot to say about men being in “women’s spaces” whatever the hell that means… This was “reposted” by Sydney Watson, a right wing “doctor”.

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Evil Special Interest Groups – Autistic Self Advocates

2017 Update: If you notice the language I used in 2016, maybe similar to mid 2017 where I attacked the anti-vaxxers’ anger towards this said group. While I used language as they were making autism a hip thing; the other misperception of any high functioning autistic is they are hip, cool, progressive and live in ritzy areas. That’s not a fair accusation from many of the anti autism groups. I don’t know if I quoted anti vaxxers or the anti vaxxers quoted me, but since then their social media presense talks about all other disabilities, employment and race. Where’s the autism?

They aren’t speaking for me…

Happy New Year, hoping people enjoyed the holiday weekend (if that holiday still exists.)

I don’t like special interest groups. I don’t care if its right wing, left wing, middle wing, whatever. There are two types of special interest groups, one is radical and the other one is for true minorities. Sadly there is so many of the former that exists that are often compared to as “racial arsonists” like a Jessie Jackson, or an Al Sharpton. Sure there is racism, but overall I’d say 98% of America is not as “racist” as those two men want to dismiss the stereotypical old white men agenda.

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