Identity Issues

I am someone who is socially inexperienced. On top of that, I am kinda sometimes an oddball person. On top of that, you mix the two together – you get someone who has dealt with an autism spectrum disorder for his entire life then slap in his additional insecurities. Enter the semi issue of Gender Identity Disorder.
Between my semi childlike demeanor as well as having odd interests compared to my peers, as well as having insecurities of his masculine side, I have to deal with not coming off as a gay individual. Why you ask that? It’s because I like to do various art stuff, drawing, painting (seldomly), like fashion a teensy bit for being a guy I used to like Sex and the City (before I couldn’t take the very liberal storylines no more) and one of my favorite lines from Carrie Bradshaw, was the “gay, straight man” type

My mother has been concerned about some of my mannerisms, and my mother doesn’t want me to come off as a certain type. Just the other day I was taking a landscape photo on my iPhone, and I held it with the thumb on the bottom and my pinky and index finger to hold the top while I used the middle finger to execute shot using the hard shutter button which is the upper volume key. Apparently thats how girls would take a picture, as my mother told me to put the other fingers down. Am I that bad?
Now, I am not here to bring up issues such as homsexual or being gay. Its not. Well, sometimes I could have “man crushes” but not “gay” or at least I don’t think so. This goes back to my post earlier this week about the fine like of flirting in a sexual sense, but in the 180 turn, but at the same time, I also have admiration of the beauty; since  I have somewhat of a fashion geekiness to add to all my other geekiness inside of me.
I don’t get why homosexual male fashionisitas have to have a monopoly on this subject or the industry for that manner. I can’t imagine that I am not the only semi manly, but straight guy that loves fashion (maybe I should be more specific – FEMALE fashion.)
This goes back to the art, why is always males being artists go right to the gay guys? I have nothing against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and other homosexuals, but sometimes I get tired of their monopoly on fashion, art and antiques.
I am someone who doesn’t care what interests are for what gender. If boys want to play kitchen so be it just as girls should have the same social expectation of playing with the Fisher Price workshop toys just as the same as guys liking chick music or movies just as girls would are into the Harry Potter and other fantasy collections that used to be limited to the in the closet “geeks” or guys for that manner.