Elizabeth Plank: Gen Z Hates Millennials “because they ain’t us”

While Justin Baldoni, little known actor and the principal host of the Man Enough Podcast is getting taken to the cleaners by A-lister Blake Lively in the legal system with the alleged happenings-on with It Ends With Us, the former female co host, Liz Plank (who left the weekday following the initial print) has not commented on Justin’s character, but has gone on complete deflection and distraction since. The other day, Liz makes a reflection in her LiveJournal with a paywall that is her Substack about how Gen Z hates Millennials because “they ain’t like us”

As I have said before, 80% of Millennials born shouldn’t been aborted to begin with, leaving them at only 20 million. Gen X the preceding generation hates both the Boomers and Millennials, and their offsprings, Gen Z would get those feels. But Liz’s apparent narcissism (common in Millennials), just weeks before three-eight (that’s Liz not me) is very evident in her what she would call her writings an “essay”

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8 Years and a Week Later – The Ring Leader of ASD in the Granite State Left Us…

As I mentioned before, the horrible person who intentionally scared Granite Staters (as well as Massholes, and the rest of North America) passed away on New Year’s 2017.

I still have no respect for the woman who hated autistic boys as I suspected not only a few years before became a board cert ABA, but i wondered if she was an anti-vaxxer too. Her upper end of clients also included the Middlesex County elite who having an autistic child would’ve broken their ego. Throw in ABA treatment and the parent’s ego won’t be as fractured. On the lower end, well I was reminded I was not- enough, and the only way to fit in was to take prescription meds for fake issues, because the typical peers did illegal drugs. I had to “mask” my social economic “status”, one of the many disregards, gaslighting that Bolick was notorious of doing.

lBut what wasn’t surprising is how much her legacy has seeped into a few thousand people, there’s more feminist ABA professionals, more boy hating teachers, and thankfully less people who don’t weaponize suicide the way Bolick did, because it was people like her who said “autism and depression are separate” . Knowing later on that they do strangely go hand in hand, and because she was taught in the 1970s, she preached it well into the new millennia, but did she ever re-take a study to learn new facts? Of course not.

I am a recovering victim of her narcissistic tendencies of a professional that refused to grow and a subject worth learning wasn’t respected (that is me.) because abuse from people allegedly with NPD is so low, because no one will admit now – or at least in the near future, the level of suffering with imposter syndrome and nuanced based social skills is far from developed. As people say “you have to make it” for the adult population.

I never want to express so much hate, but I knew after my 30th birthday (my family waited as the news broke around February school vacation, that corrupt professional liked to keep her personal life so air tight… the irony!) that my group would still be haunted by Teresa Bolick from 6 million feet down under from hell as her afterlife did get exposed to thousands of other women who lust for power and control using autistic boys as to emasculate (and maybe giving some of these younger boys into trans, even though I don’t believe that’s a causation.)

This blog isn’t about everything on autism, but a subject on antiquated practices from a legacy, pre DSM-V autistic looking in. The systems were intentionally broken with no intention for it to ever be repaired.

Let that sink is as I am closer to 40 with a life experience of a 21 year iold

International Women’s Day (New Hampshire and the Hyper Individualized/Independent/Man Hating (RIGHT-WING) Feminists

Welcome to New Hampshire, a state where you’d think it being so extremists, you wouldn’t think that feminism is very popular around dark-red Republican women, and you wonder why they are so skittish? Why is there a fetishizing of victimization? Before I spoil you the details, the video part is here.

If you prefer to hear this in your car audio system, you can visit podcasts.clickfo.me

Transgenderism – Is this not seen properly?

There is not a day that goes by where people are whining and bitching about transgenderism, that the schools are turning guys into girls, it’s the media, it’s freckin TicTok that’s doing it! Ooo the outrage!

Or is it that feminism rejects men at all costs? What about living in a red state (hell it’s purple, with red pockets here and there) where right of center women just ride the coattails of the liberating movement? Or is it lefties who just can’t trust ’em?

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Is There a Such Thing as Conservative Feminism?

I have had this concept before the election. For those who don’t know our NPA area code, New Hampshire dials as 603. This state has traditionally been conservative or libertarian, but it has since gotten more political and more moderate. In New Hampshire it pays to be a woman, our three media institutions puts women on top of the queue, the adult contemporary radio station in the largest city is not shy of being all women and overtly singling out men. Women in my opinion (WITHOUT THE UNDERTONES OF BEING SO CALLED “BITTER”) are very snobby, extremely standoffish, and are easily scared.

Well that would make sense if you get your news from WMUR-TV Manchester’s Newsnine and if you get your news from “WMUR” well then your world view is very skewed and that’s all I can say to that.

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Feminism in The 603

The opinions are coming from a 1/2 Caucasian guy that is an outsider looking in

Feminism and the women’s rights movement is a bit different than in other places. Except for the few blue towns, of which one could recognize the women’s rights movement (abortion, the rights to vote, etc.) the rest of the state was kinda “silent” and not take an extreme position; but I have noticed that feminism in my state is radically different.

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2022: Another Chapter…Finding the Malicious Definition of “Feminism”

In the early years of An Alleged Autistic and A Puzzling View, a common thread was feminism, but that was completely a simplistic view (particularly your’s truly with a twentysomething mind), since a lot of my writings was actually under intelligent for what I can write today. In fact this feminism masquerading as female chauvinism from schoolage was the root cause for me to go into hopeless and seeing relationships more puzzling. It took multiple abuses to see through the garbage that was “progressive” education

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