Men Scare Me… Part Six

Jordan Peterson recently had a discussion on narcissism with Generation Z (also known as iGen), sometimes referred to the Millennial Generation as well. The episode interviews an expert on this generation and the narcissistic outcomes that social media brought…

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Feminism in The 603

The opinions are coming from a 1/2 Caucasian guy that is an outsider looking in

Feminism and the women’s rights movement is a bit different than in other places. Except for the few blue towns, of which one could recognize the women’s rights movement (abortion, the rights to vote, etc.) the rest of the state was kinda “silent” and not take an extreme position; but I have noticed that feminism in my state is radically different.

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The Obsession (From Others) on Being Around “Peers”

Among the many things drilled upon me was the obsession on “peers”, typical minded people in my age group, quoted in some ways from the then-head of the Bureau of Developmental Services at the state’s Department of Health and Human Services aprox. 2014.

Many of these hacks really are like big government box checkers; that do not go on the frontlines. In this state where it’s libertarian and conservative, they are sure as hell authoritative and significant boundaries between the bureaucrats and the individuals; and that’s why I put them under “authoritative”. I call these hacks more like formal virgins who haven’t experienced life because they talk so much like a lawyer.

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