A Week After Doing Anything for Love…

It was a week ago yesterday that I sent a note to that Front Desk girl who wasn’t at the hotel on the coast. I didn’t share the draft to anyone else. I knew that any word I could say would be triggering. As it seems to be here in this locale, the adult population “have to make it” because no one else has made the best way to ask women out. Wait a couple decades and waste one’s lifespan to prove there’s been a problem.  So yeah I have to be on my own and figure out what’s socially appropriate or not. I drew a faint heart in the background with a vague coloring of “R U My Valentine?” and wrote another note on the bottom of the front/back. I don’t want to share much more.

ICYMI from earlier in the week, when I explained about this journey when I asked the girl at the stationary shop for something “subtle” and I really meant what I said about “something is telling me to do this”. I can’t even name another instances where I really meant what I had said.

The post it notes on the envelope was written to beg to the covering staff to ensure this would go to her because of the importance of a guest/front desk relationship. Anything inside it is not their concern and by no means was I backdooring in the most nefarious ways… I guess it could be seen that way.

I was trying to be truly authentic. I don’t know her situation, it could really be something serious is going on… or she’s taken… or company policy would disallow this because this the 21st Century and love and romance must be damned, and anyone’s heart that gets taken is pure luck.

I am not too worried about ID theft by giving out my phone number, it’s mostly a “work” number anyways. I did what I could with the situation I was in, and the underlying conditions. I do not regret what I did in the name of going deeper into human interconnectivity.


The Rough Week

On the fifth week of the New Year, I was scheduled to have a week off to recharge and try to replenish my remains of energy of being the second sole burden to the family. The sane one, the one who thinks and talks constructively and the one that asks good questions, not that I am tooting my horn. This story is a long one because it started rough on Monday for my mother, but ended harder for me when Friday came along.

The issues of other family members are are still strong hot spots in this firestorm of a situation for both just over a year in…and I am depleted

I went to Dover for the first time (the second time I went there was on the outskirts of the city when I was at SLC and we went to the Chilli’s on the south end. It was to see my therapist for a session in person for the first time in over a couple years. On our way, a magnitude 3.8 (originally reading as 4.2) off the coast of York, Maine (20 miles to the state line, and about the same distance to Portsmouth of which where I was going to stay for the week.

I heard it on The Sports Hub, and it’s unusual for a sports format radio station to do news, since the FCC since they don’t force every local station to cover news these days. My mother and I went to brunch after, then started to take the long way to the Port City.

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The Recent Experience of the Cute Chica over in the Seacoast (V.2)

Editorial Note: don’t you hate it when you hit “Publish” but you still are writing as if it’s November and it’s 3 days into December? opps

The key experience with this chica is she was extremely, and may I emphasize authentically friendly than other guests that would be at desk. Year over year, I got the feels her authenticity was very evident, and not every guest got this treatment. While I said “you have made an impression with me” was never said back, only because I got the feeling that was likewise in verbal exchanges and the facial expressions.

From the previous posting on this subject

Today’s post focuses on two separate but equally important experiences earlier this month, as feeling hopeless was already a baseline I entered into November and relapsed given the month’s political developments, and even on the state levelit’s an antidote to accommodations to invisibly disabled, and something I think for the first time could be something above limerence. The title of the post refers to a specific female of Latin/Hispanic decent hence why she’s earned a nickname of the “Cute Chica”.

The First Day of November

Portsmouth at this point (unlike the other two times as research for relocating) was a mini getaway, and was anticipated to be the 2nd to last week of October as the weather and other family events may take precedence, given the long year for my family member. In fact, one of the reasons of such getaway I was also really missing my favorite chica, I actually prayed to see if I could get her number or ask her out and hoping no bling on her hands, etc. I can’t confirm if the prayers work as God is never available or comment at any time of publication, as the weekend went on I did feel something “divine” inside of me happening.

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Cute Chica in the Seacoast: “She’s Kinda The Friend You Dreamed of But Never Really Had”

What word salad as I was checking out and told the apparent new front desk gal who was only been there for 3 weeks to “protect her at all costs… she’s a keeper”. The Hotel Crush will be be described simply as a “Chica” because I know she’s Hispanic in nature, well I haven’t told you much about my fetish of Latinos, my dream girlfriend would be someone in that realm of the human race. My experience in Essex County, Massachusetts in an out of district program for 3 years says that plus I get really triggered when the stories of POTUS Trump’s Southern Border… so there’s some proof.

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