The real “Oppression” (That Gets Lost in the ASD Narrative)

I was called out by some anon (who isn’t even from the States – so he doesn’t have First Amendment rights like moi) on a Twitter account and a post on this site recently for not “getting the grasp” of oppressive institutional blahblahblah. The last thing I want to do is label this person, but I will have to paint him as some leftist who wants to silence me because I have a differing, hyperlocal view. Not only that, they are so angry when they don’t agree with you (or you disagree with them) it results in ad-honynmn attacks and often it’s with very three consecutive buzzwords that are so vague, it makes IBM’s pre 1993 Orwellian culture be like child’s play for politics in 2016.

If you disagree with me, do it on merit, on the content, and not on the messenger, and DO NOT use University-type language. I hate to use this phrase… but when you attack me with anger and big words, I think legally you are inciting criminal acts of fear.  Which if you look that phrases up in a thesaurus – you’ll find that unnamed word, because you know the Feds are spying on my activity, and of course, I try to not be a criminal online (unlike the unruly Aspies.)

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I went to high school in Massachusetts despite living in New Hampshire. I had less rights than living in New Hampshire (despite what local advocates tell me, I had the minimal rights as a state citizen – even in the neighboring state, but good luck trying to tell it to the Hackerama down there.)

The reason why I have little respect to the higher functioning autistics who think there should be one view, and a single view and if you challenge them, you’re “ableist” is so, so much like an oppressive institutional system.

Here’s the real oppression (again a New Hampshire expat to the Massachusetts’ Hackerama):

  • Picking Winners over Loosers. Massachusetts ableist agenda is to judge people specifically on their disability, and the ones with the most severe and the very hot (most normal) types of people will have the best education. So if you have Cerebral Palsy, to Asperger’s – hell even emotional handicaps or bipolar, you’re gonna get taken care of. You got PDDNOS, an Autistic Disorder, you bolt out of a classroom, you got behavior issues, then go to the back of the line and keep moving backwards to allow a semi “normal” person to cut in the line.
  • Teachers not Teaching: Massachusetts requires said people to have Master’s degree, but guess what? They were the ones who had to file IEPs, and other compliance paperwork that I may not even know due to the super “confidential” nature of how the backoffice worked! Often the “instructional assistants” were often talked down because they were more on the rank-and-file status, but yet this same group was doing most of the teaching. So my hack high school teacher was probably able to “plan” the classes and let the rank and files do what she told them to do. But this is what happens when schools hire millenials who are so damn lazy because science wasn’t their strongest nature and because we were in homeroom settings, “let me pick and choose what I want to teach” was the mantra.
  • Government not knowing what the hell they’re doing (aka Unintended Consequences)  A lot of people hate the Massachusetts Department of Education. This agency got out of control when I would enter GLEC. Micromanaging was a standard operating procedure at the agency in Malden (I believe.) The school was not to far away from New Hampshire but if they could control the Granite State, they would. In fact they could, because my IEP wasn’t from Ltown, it was from the Commonwealth. Everyone outside the Masters degree status (including classmates) could not stand the DOE. What was worse was the 2003-04 school year when changed the food requirements to meet their “healthy” agenda. (In Plain English – meaning food that was like crap.) Has anyone at the Mass DOE ever taught or if they “taught” it was similar to Lawrence Boulger who used it for exploitation and professional narcissism? There was so much micromanaging it was getting to the point where GLEC couldn’t even take care of themselves despite hacks running the show. (Micromanagement is not the same as “microagression”? S—!)
  • Higher authorities taking advantage of student’s rights If out of district programs could be an institution of its own (and unlike Laconia State School to be fair) well then why aren’t we calling this a spade a spade? The program was in actuality restrictive. And despite Release 1.0 of Self Advocacy, I tried to challenge my legally dumb teacher about the “least restrictive environment” but was always turned down. But my Asperger’s friend (no longer anymore) would try to exploit loopholes but he was successful. I, for whatever reason, blaintely desperate or what was a copycat I suppose. (She actually in fact wimped her way into getting the Masters by crying her way in – isn’t that “cheating the system”?) The other most disturbing practice was in around 2007, when I was about 20 when I was trying to get out of school to meet the demands of my “peers” (graduating high school before turning 21) but in fact I did graduate on my 21st birthday. After being pushed to wait. That previous summer, the hack director had refused to take 3 seperate telephone calls from SAU 12 because I failed to comply with the director’s requirements to fill out “pros and cons” of whether to graduate or to stay in school. Basically I was held hostage, and this hostility was in fact illegal because apparently under IDEA as my own guardian I legally had the right to call my own IEP meeting (and under common sense, people should respond in a timely manner.) It wasn’t till later I found out the SAU called multiple times without getting a response back. I remained silent after since Mary Ellen Dixon went bolting just before my 21st birthday for a “family emergency.” She’d retire out of the system in the form of “payback’s a bitch”.The reason why I say this is that I have other stories of why I believe she was forced out suddenly, but it would be best to not go public with additional narratives; since my own account itself has a lot of shock value.

Institutional oppression, I think the Massachusetts DOE would fit into this narrative perfectly. Oh wait it doesn’t? I must be an ultra-right wing-extremist who prays and mastrubates to the Tea Party’s propaganda…

Gotta love how sick puppies can’t survive under the “Group think” (aka Thought Police) mantra.