How People Autism/Spectrum Disorder Has Been Continuously Devalued by the Typical Population

Editorial Note: The title has “Autism/Spectrum Disorder” because I use it interchangeably since many just use “Autism” instead these days

Gonna miss those hated Boomers when they pass on.

The younger generation (when I say “young” I say under 55. The prospects are not looking good for typical minded people as I fear they don’t want me to exist.

Gen X (the alleged Forgotten Generation) 1965-1981

Generation X was coined because they weren’t sure how to name the thirteenth generation. Struggled during the 1970s under inflationary pressures, mixed in with no-fault divorce, and other turbulent times, Xers became adults at 12, and kept to themselves into the 80s and 90s. They loved Ronald Regan’s pro-growth economic agenda (that gave everyone Black Monday, the dot-com bubble and the 2008 Financial Crisis.

Gen X was also the generation where their offsprings were cursed with a vaccine injury known as Autism. Most of this population are in the Gen Z group. Ironically no one really talks about anyone injured with a vaccine in the 1980s babies. Regardless Gen X’s favorite film Rain Man,  mixed in with their technical training on the IBM 5150 in high school, these hopeless people thought they didn’t need no stinkin education, it’s all on Google. Xers listened to their sisters like Jenny McCarthy and believed their kids autism was caused by vaccines Continue reading

Stay Work Play NH has a New Director (They Should’ve Shut Down Instead)

When I was up north, I wasn’t totally disconnected to local news, The Conway Daily Sun, got the scoop that Stay Work Play, the tax evading organization masking as a “non profit” has a new director. Judging by the headshot, the Millennial aged punk looks sinister, seems to have skeletons and dead bodies in the basement, as many millennial are known to backstab to get to the top.

I chewed up Stay Work Play in the past I am not sure what social media account, but I have been highly skeptical of this group for years.

How much as Stay Work Play recruited so-called “young professionals” back home? These people are the most obscene groups to be in the Granite State. These people use the r-word while they celebrate Black & Brown people and the queer community. These “young professionals” (the very few I have encounters with) are 24x7x365 hustlers (because so many are atheists so they don’t celebrate traditional holidays), they will walk over you while they jump to the top. They steal buzzwords they have no clue just to be the corner-office boss biach or ahole if you’re a male. Many of these people are anti American types (meaning they really like more global approaches, they can’t speak in US English anymore other than ending emails with “Best”… how diid these people graduate High School?

The underling issue with many of these born after 1981 to 1995, is they are stunted at college age, as so many are in their mid to late thirties. These people admire their content-based learning, where they their super narrow minded interest they studied for six years; but if we had a “special interest” said phrase was to be used as a slur and to be weaponized.

Is this an overgeneralization? Perhaps, but I have not really had much faith of these supreme narcissists the Boomers pushed out. Of the over than 100 milliton American Millennials, I go so far to say 80% should’ve been sent to the local abortion clinic’s trash can! Of these accidental consequences, if the “red pill” was right, the birth crisis really began 40 years ago, because the Millennials are doing what the Boomers should’ve done in the first place (not having kids.)

But if I had my world, Stay Work Play (again, three verbs as a name of an organization, sure seems “commanding” in the language structure) the Attorney General would investigate their tax-evading status and backpay the State of New Hampshire for the amount of time Stay Work Play didn’t contribute as a non profit as if they were Enron. And whoever is behind the accounting should be jailed and have felony rap sheet. (and if you know me well, I remember the days when the “Crooked ‘E'” really painted a broad brush of white collared crime, behind the Financial Crisis.)

Fair Disclosure the person from an “ABA organization” I referenced to as a source on the theme of “activism” , that individual is an ad-hoc member as a corporate officer type. That individual I have severe professional disagreements with ASD related to the Granite State. So my wounds from the trauma of these badasses keep inflaming.

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A Ten Year Follow Up on my Resentment to Millennials (They’ll Pass On as Useful Idiots)

I have written about Millennials on and off for the last decade plus, but I haven’t really followed up on this said generation that I technically fall into, but for the longest time I related to Gen Xers until they were worse than millennials and started to sympathize with Generation Z instead.

Can we call these 100 Million Millennials the Cluster-B Generation instead?

I still standby my belief to the point that I have said in other venues that of the 100 million or so Americans between the ages of 42 to 29, 80% should’ve been sent to a trash can of an abortion clinic. Millennials are extremely as narcissistic and unempathic  like they were in their twenties a decade ago. What I’ve realized is…

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A Tale of an Autistic Condition, Death, Family and Perceived Co-Dependency

Recently, a family friend in the north end of town’s father passed away. the friend was once my mother’s co worker, and has a son with ASD, higher functioning, but unlike me, is less verbal. Pay attention to the phrase “higher” functioning. I’ve not seen the family in ages, dates back prior to the pandemic as well.

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“Community Based Supports” and a Millennial autistic abandoned by said “Community”

I’ve beaten up the lies and bullshit of Community Based Supports for the longest time for people who age out of SPED and land into the adult services world and how SPED is more stereotypically a welfare state than services with the “Medicaid” name.

What the hell is a “community”? How much should “family” be as a support system? Is the “community” inclusive or exclusive and private and isolated? The hell does it really mean practically?

The Blue App kills communities!

The inability to network IRL, to get a job, to meet new people was put on a heavy burden, but then I realized while I was being gaslit, defamed and often slandered in “confidential” documents, by hack rich white folks, like that fucking DINO, I realized the hard way, it was the “community” that failed. Continue reading

I feel so “old”…

Before you people over 55 come of all narc on me and gaslight my perception and project perspective… “35 is nothing, being 65 is worse!”… Let met tell you way I feel this way…

  • NH is the “oldest” state by demographics – 48, 49 or 50. Probably next to Vermont and Maine.
  • By that logic, the “youngest” folks would be a large number – because you were to superimpose the average age of 50, you get the extreme side of people I could be their babysitter, even if I was 18 or 19!
  • Millennials didn’t really grow up here – for someone who grew up in Londonderry in the 1990s, you had some of my peers who were Mass. transplants. Those who spent their first or second grades are back to where they came from. Not to mention there’s more to the world than little ol New Hampshire, a phrase often said by the older generation who remembers the state being as deep as Vermont and Maine.
  • The town I live in, is one the most populated with a very geriatric age – filtering out the ol farts, the youngest people are school age. The closest to thirtysomethings are people who are about 11 to 12 years younger than me! There’s hardly any thirtysomethings in this area.
  • Economic, housing, etc. I don’t believe any of it. I think its a culture that people born between 1977 to 1995 just don’t get. The weather? There’s climate change. Stop bitching about the cold and snow because the data is against your “beliefs”.

It’s just sad to see more people old as my mother or my gram, and people who are teenagers and I am in my mid thirties and I can’t seem to grow, and I regress closer to a twentysomething and somehow no one is realizing how bad that is and how severe this loneliness of lack of similarities can unite us.


“Bystander Effect” on the Class of 2005 “Stay Classy”

My originating graduating year in Londonderry, NH (of which I was not a student of Londonderry High) would’ve been 2005, the graduating year where it was dubbed “stay classy” (a reference to Anchorman).

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“Only Knew the Surface” – The Millennial Mantra Re: to ASD

In that same DM a few weeks before, I had asked that individual who works in Boston media if they knew about ASD prior to (because that individual has a child with that condition.) The individual replied that they “knew the surface”. That individual is just over two years older than I.

It was then that phrase would be baked into my memory as long as I can remember. That’s what so many people know, just the surface, the big picture, the antidotes. Not the intimate one on one in-expierences they had seen as a passerby. This isn’t just a Londonderry thing, the freckin’ South Coast of Massachusetts isn’t exempt. Over one hundred million Millennial  aged people still despite April 2022 statistics of 1 in 44 cases these drunken mini-me Boomers still do not understand the complexities.

They are more open to LGBTQ and darker skin people (nothing wrong with that), just anyone who acts different (since ASD is “invisible”), is basically just an also-ran human being. That’s how I have felt like since 1999, and significantly in the 2008, and even worse in 2019… it’s a one way street of interactivity. Everyone judged me as that resource room kid, or worse they thought I’d be a meteorologist – even when I can’t stand mother f-ckers like Jim Can-Cantore, whose last work before TWC, as an intern was owned by Bob Kraft (WNEV-TV.)

I really had lousy “friends” too bad I can’t find any new ones in the midst of another wave of this pandemic.

The Obsession (From Others) on Being Around “Peers”

Among the many things drilled upon me was the obsession on “peers”, typical minded people in my age group, quoted in some ways from the then-head of the Bureau of Developmental Services at the state’s Department of Health and Human Services aprox. 2014.

Many of these hacks really are like big government box checkers; that do not go on the frontlines. In this state where it’s libertarian and conservative, they are sure as hell authoritative and significant boundaries between the bureaucrats and the individuals; and that’s why I put them under “authoritative”. I call these hacks more like formal virgins who haven’t experienced life because they talk so much like a lawyer.

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Busy bodies and busy Relationships

It’s rather interesting how people today are lacking relationship skills and not just social skills ether.  I blame this on airplanes, the Web and just the acceptation that its okay to screw someone and jump around jobs like its no ones business.
I’ve been using for nearly a couple of months and I do not like to engage a user that lives in New Hampshire but lived in Colorado for a decade or someone who lives in Boston who came from the Midwest and loves everything about Boston. Simply, I know there is more to New England than the City itself. I love Springfield, Hartford, Providence, Burlington, and Worcester! Isn’t that a surprise!
(Of course, I withheld Portland or Augusta because Maine sucks – I’ve  been there enough to say they are weirdos and hicks – that’s why I don’t visit there that often!)
I digress.
However, this kind of busy lifestyles doesn’t work well with someone who has difficulty transitioning from one place to another. I rarely moved in my lifetime, only about 3 or 4 miles of where I spent most of my first 23 years of my life. When I was 23, it was about 12 or so miles that I moved from the previous town I lived in.
The problem in three words? Lack of  Loyalty.
I grew up in New Hampshire, and traveled around the region, I wouldn’t trade this area for anywhere else. I have some, and I say some pride of where I live. Many of my peer groups does not have such level of some respect.
And this to me is a problem. The Millennial generation (i.e. the synthetically autistic types) are still acting like teenagers as some in this generation are 36 years old. For some reason we have allowed the vast majority of the normal functioning population to act like autistics while my group are expected to function as normal as possible. Which explains why marriage is much later and having children at a later age is happening. Dare I say having a child in their 30s can cause birth defects or even disabilities like autism. Even worse north of 40? These childish people are relying on unreliable technology to have children at a later age.
Again, I am probably making a low educated opinion on this, but craved stability since middle school. Even when I rarely moved physically, I went to several schools in almost every 2 years.  The staff in the schools had a very short shelflife too. Again, they were the twentysomethings figuring their lives out with the most mission critical job required of such lack of responsibilities. On top of the very young age, the other excuse was “they need to start somewhere”.

I feel sometimes I’ve worked in the local TV news business, when one’s job security (historically) was lot worse than other jobs like working in the public sector, the phone company, or corporate jobs, and if someone got randomly fired, their career in TV news was actually “cursed”.  The Special Education world worked much like a particular Boston news station, and to use such analogy is pretty pathetic. Because no individual should feel like their classroom is a newsroom of a revolving doors of producers (teachers) or director (executive management) while the child (student) is like the viewer witnessing dysfunctional news operation.

Though I feel that loyalty the lack thereof is a roadblock to future relationships for me. How can I get “locked into” a relationship if the girl wants to move to California or Houston or some other random place in 2 years?
I can’t live such life anymore. I can’t imagine anyone living like that.