8 Years and a Week Later – The Ring Leader of ASD in the Granite State Left Us…

As I mentioned before, the horrible person who intentionally scared Granite Staters (as well as Massholes, and the rest of North America) passed away on New Year’s 2017.

I still have no respect for the woman who hated autistic boys as I suspected not only a few years before became a board cert ABA, but i wondered if she was an anti-vaxxer too. Her upper end of clients also included the Middlesex County elite who having an autistic child would’ve broken their ego. Throw in ABA treatment and the parent’s ego won’t be as fractured. On the lower end, well I was reminded I was not- enough, and the only way to fit in was to take prescription meds for fake issues, because the typical peers did illegal drugs. I had to “mask” my social economic “status”, one of the many disregards, gaslighting that Bolick was notorious of doing.

lBut what wasn’t surprising is how much her legacy has seeped into a few thousand people, there’s more feminist ABA professionals, more boy hating teachers, and thankfully less people who don’t weaponize suicide the way Bolick did, because it was people like her who said “autism and depression are separate” . Knowing later on that they do strangely go hand in hand, and because she was taught in the 1970s, she preached it well into the new millennia, but did she ever re-take a study to learn new facts? Of course not.

I am a recovering victim of her narcissistic tendencies of a professional that refused to grow and a subject worth learning wasn’t respected (that is me.) because abuse from people allegedly with NPD is so low, because no one will admit now – or at least in the near future, the level of suffering with imposter syndrome and nuanced based social skills is far from developed. As people say “you have to make it” for the adult population.

I never want to express so much hate, but I knew after my 30th birthday (my family waited as the news broke around February school vacation, that corrupt professional liked to keep her personal life so air tight… the irony!) that my group would still be haunted by Teresa Bolick from 6 million feet down under from hell as her afterlife did get exposed to thousands of other women who lust for power and control using autistic boys as to emasculate (and maybe giving some of these younger boys into trans, even though I don’t believe that’s a causation.)

This blog isn’t about everything on autism, but a subject on antiquated practices from a legacy, pre DSM-V autistic looking in. The systems were intentionally broken with no intention for it to ever be repaired.

Let that sink is as I am closer to 40 with a life experience of a 21 year iold

Middle Aged Women & Public Corruption

I have strong (and rightful) hatred to women of a certain age and their day job working as public employees at ether the local school district and/or educational collaborative that operate as a public sector op.
I’ve learned from these people. Well, they are teachers, they are public servants, so I am under the impression I am supposed to lead by example.  Women tend to be skeptical. They tend to not trust people (no wonder why I am so fucked up) including the boys in the SPED classroom.  They are paranoid. They worry too much. And lastly THEY TEND TO BE PRIVATE! (which really pisses me off about people with tits and cunts.)
As I grew up in the public institutions, I couldn’t stand the overzealous policies on “confidentiality”, “privacy.” I never forget the times where a teacher and another “paraprofessional” would talk near us then say “want to go into that room” then go and close the door and then talk with the blinds wide open. I never was paranoid about teachers talking about me. Well, maybe I lied, at a certain point in my life. Its like the Chicago way of doing business. Lets close the door then talk about things that shouldn’t be talked behind closed doors. Its the underlying factor how these people start to potentially violate public records laws, or to try to play the Privacy Rules of FERPA and HIPPA over the Public’s Right to Know Laws.
These liberal union cunts also thought we were so stupid that if a kid would go crazy in another classroom on the other side of the campus and get CPI restraints, that we didn’t know what was really going on thanks to the Corruption-Enabling (overzealous privacy enabling) Hacks in our schools!
And I wonder why I can’t talk to strangers! Because I was subliminally taught to have behind closed doors conversations with people in private!
I have no respect for women. They corrupt government, and they corrupt society and fuck up the most vulnerable people in society by overprotecting us! I sometimes wonder why in the fuck god created Eve. I suppose god is a filthy old jerk.

Why in the f*** do we need to use "nerotypical"?

Or hell call it “NT”?
I know its a registered trademark of Nortel (Previously known as Northern Telecom), but Nortel has gone bankrupt and many of their businesses have gone on wholesale, so I don’t know what actual company might own the trademark.  In fact its alleged that might had been the reason why Microsoft didn’t use the NT branding in Windows 2000 (and eliminating totally by Windows XP or NT 5.1) because of a potential lawsuit of Nortel.
I have so much opposition of such techno terminology of the whole hell known as the Autism Spectrum Disorders. For one thing, why in the hell do we need a “label” (for a lack of a better word) to describe the “normal” population. Are we afraid to degrade their potential or are we afraid to degrade the hack psych-o-logists and other “professionals” that had pissed a lot of money into an Ivy League education in the study of psych-o-logy?
This is beyond words like patently absurd. I just can’t get why such groups (mostly in the Asperger world – which is NOT autism) has to make such confusion.
Enough with the acronyms and abbreviations, enough with the technicality of the “labels” enough with having pride with a disorder that is technically unrelated with autism and please for the AS community, dont flaunt your pride that is similar to homosexual population. It’s just plain insulting to the legitimate group who is feeling ASHAMED instead of coming out of the closet as a super high functioning retard.

Autism Awareness Month – the cloud of confusion of "labels"

I gotta run for dinner and a walk in my neighborhood after a busy day of getting IT stuff back online after some scheduled outages done today. However, I wanted to embed a video from a YouTube user on the never ending drama with the classifications of the ASD, Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism. Now I don’t agree with some of his thoughts of what is considered with the respective disorders, he makes some strong points during the majority of the video.  Especially when one didn’t have a speech delay and they “automatically have Asperger’s”. It’s rather interesting YouTube piece that I strongly recommend.

Catcha later