A Week After Doing Anything for Love…

It was a week ago yesterday that I sent a note to that Front Desk girl who wasn’t at the hotel on the coast. I didn’t share the draft to anyone else. I knew that any word I could say would be triggering. As it seems to be here in this locale, the adult population “have to make it” because no one else has made the best way to ask women out. Wait a couple decades and waste one’s lifespan to prove there’s been a problem.  So yeah I have to be on my own and figure out what’s socially appropriate or not. I drew a faint heart in the background with a vague coloring of “R U My Valentine?” and wrote another note on the bottom of the front/back. I don’t want to share much more.

ICYMI from earlier in the week, when I explained about this journey when I asked the girl at the stationary shop for something “subtle” and I really meant what I said about “something is telling me to do this”. I can’t even name another instances where I really meant what I had said.

The post it notes on the envelope was written to beg to the covering staff to ensure this would go to her because of the importance of a guest/front desk relationship. Anything inside it is not their concern and by no means was I backdooring in the most nefarious ways… I guess it could be seen that way.

I was trying to be truly authentic. I don’t know her situation, it could really be something serious is going on… or she’s taken… or company policy would disallow this because this the 21st Century and love and romance must be damned, and anyone’s heart that gets taken is pure luck.

I am not too worried about ID theft by giving out my phone number, it’s mostly a “work” number anyways. I did what I could with the situation I was in, and the underlying conditions. I do not regret what I did in the name of going deeper into human interconnectivity.


The Recent Experience of the Cute Chica over in the Seacoast (V.2)

Editorial Note: don’t you hate it when you hit “Publish” but you still are writing as if it’s November and it’s 3 days into December? opps

The key experience with this chica is she was extremely, and may I emphasize authentically friendly than other guests that would be at desk. Year over year, I got the feels her authenticity was very evident, and not every guest got this treatment. While I said “you have made an impression with me” was never said back, only because I got the feeling that was likewise in verbal exchanges and the facial expressions.

From the previous posting on this subject

Today’s post focuses on two separate but equally important experiences earlier this month, as feeling hopeless was already a baseline I entered into November and relapsed given the month’s political developments, and even on the state levelit’s an antidote to accommodations to invisibly disabled, and something I think for the first time could be something above limerence. The title of the post refers to a specific female of Latin/Hispanic decent hence why she’s earned a nickname of the “Cute Chica”.

The First Day of November

Portsmouth at this point (unlike the other two times as research for relocating) was a mini getaway, and was anticipated to be the 2nd to last week of October as the weather and other family events may take precedence, given the long year for my family member. In fact, one of the reasons of such getaway I was also really missing my favorite chica, I actually prayed to see if I could get her number or ask her out and hoping no bling on her hands, etc. I can’t confirm if the prayers work as God is never available or comment at any time of publication, as the weekend went on I did feel something “divine” inside of me happening.

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Cute Chica in the Seacoast: “She’s Kinda The Friend You Dreamed of But Never Really Had”

What word salad as I was checking out and told the apparent new front desk gal who was only been there for 3 weeks to “protect her at all costs… she’s a keeper”. The Hotel Crush will be be described simply as a “Chica” because I know she’s Hispanic in nature, well I haven’t told you much about my fetish of Latinos, my dream girlfriend would be someone in that realm of the human race. My experience in Essex County, Massachusetts in an out of district program for 3 years says that plus I get really triggered when the stories of POTUS Trump’s Southern Border… so there’s some proof.

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Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day. For more than a decade here… or other places, on or off here; Valentine’s Day is really depressing. I don’t like to be angry. I’m as angry as radical feminists and red-pill men that put all of us into a bind and into greater hopelessness of romance. I’ll singe out people like Liz Plank on the feminists and I’ll throw “Myron Gaines” the alleged gay soyboy host of Fresh & Fit, and maybe the tomboy, perhaps lesbo “Women Shouldn’t Vote” Pearl Davis. All these types of specimen are like a kamikaze, whose going to crash first and take everyone down to hell with them?

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Unrequited Love…

Also known as, “limerence”, “infatuations” or just “having-a-crush”

They say one way relationships is better than none. I still agree to that. Even if it’s unhealthy. Even if it’s self-destructive (hell since that is an autistic trait…I shouldn’t be surprised!) Even if it makes you feel worse. At least you had the audacity to show some respect and the other was a jerk about it. Well into my thirties, and still feeling like I am in the world of A Puzzling View – but of course I apparently made choices – and so I must take responsibility of being single forever.

But don’t let a boy stop from staring through a glass of his pretty girl whose as plastic as a mannequin literally admiring her inner beauty as her outside is just as attractive. She’s so heartless she won’t even notice someone is staring at her with admiration!

Autism In Love: Review

A documentary recently ran on PBS earlier this month of an independent documentary entitled Autism In Love. (Running on a host program called Independent Lens.) This project was in the works for at least a few years at least following on social media. After being let down of all the teases, I never followed up, till a recent post on a disability blog came to my attention.

After missing the original airing, I saw it Wednesday on my iPad by accessing it through PBS’ web site. (available through PBS till April 2016)

I have watched this three times since then to try to soak all the emotional, and very touching storylines.

Spoiler alert if you continue to read on.

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The Lack of a Girlfriend

Most thirtysomethings have someone in their lives, whether it’s a girlfriend, a boyfriend, a girlfriend/girlfriend boyfriend/boyfriend or even a husband or wife. Well I am not anywhere close to boyfriend material for any girl (at least around my area.) For February, I don’t just feel like a hopeless autistic, but a hopeless romantic too.

The idea of a girlfriend would make socializing easier because you have that “arm candy” or someone to hold hands and commit public sexual harassment laws and kiss in public and touch each other near private parts at professional gatherings. Not that I encourage this, but this is what “everyone else” is doing. Why be the only single person? I don’t feel “special”…

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Corrupt Match.com Made this Hopeless Autistic a Hopeless Romantic Too!

I wrote on my other site last fall when Match.com was spun off by IAC/InterActive Corp (a company with a very bad PR record.) I explain how much Match charges and how I haven’t found a special someone, and how many dating sites to the point the DOJ should break up the company.

More on this by clicking here.

The Top 5 Heartbreaking Songs

As dictated by Corporate America, in mid January it’s now the season for Valentine’s Day, despite less than a month away. I’d thought I’d share my Top 5 hearbreaking songs, since listening to the easy-music station in my preteen years, was more than likely an oman of my hopeless romance I’d encounter well past adulthood.

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Love & Marriage (The Lack Thereof)

I don’t want to sidetrack the discussion on being a “hopeless autistic”, but a reoccurring subject (that I previously wrote on unnamed blog a couple years ago) was on love relevant to the autism spectrum disorder. In 2015, hopeless romantics who also are autistics are very high because

  • Lack of education on the issue. Many youngsters were ether unexposed to ASD, therefore they have no clue. They were ether misguided, misinformed or was told to run the other direction if “a big and fat weirdo” came and approached you.
  • If you don’t believe that stereotype exists, well thank some “experts” in the Granite State that have actually used video and narratives featuring the big and fat weird guy stereotypes
  • Professionals would rather work with them then have a fling at night with one. Even if you met them as a stranger on say a dating service. They have no interest.
  • “Being around people your own age” can only work if there are people begin with! (Notice the reoccurring tone about Millenials and how they are so urban wannabees and how I’ve mentioned they explicitly hate New Hampshire in the past on social media? The hatred didn’t help matters growing up in the largest affulenza ridden communities.)
  • We now go into the moral obligation of marriage. It would be the morally or ethically right thing to marry someone. Then we go into a financial problem. When you become married, it’s no different or less than a merger and acquisition. If you want to use the simple last name metaphor, basically the man buys out the woman. The problem is when one is on Social Security, that the assets are tied as one as well. Which would really suck if your other spouse is all perfectly normal. The legality is your spouse would have to cut their hours or to be direct – be disabled themselves. (Sadly Social Security is a requirement to all those startup, short term work programs – more on that next year, that )
  • Millenials not tolerant to individuals on ASD, it bears repeating

I hope this explains the reason if you see or hear some hopeless autistic also coming off as a hopeless romantic that this may be the reason why.