The Sad Story of The Moore Center

Originally posted March 18th, 2016

UPDATED: March 31st Typos, Typos and Typos, dammit!

It is typically against my policy on social media to discuss organizations or people by name unless there is notoriety factor and a strong case in favor to do so.

I want to discuss my first hand experiences with The Moore Center (previously known at the time as Moore Center Services, Incorporated) as a one time purpose and used as a historical record of my experiences for others to learn. The reflected accounts were from about 1995 to 2010. (More relevant accounts ranged from 2007 to ’10.) I can’t speak for them today because I do not know personally what is going on day to day as I have not been affiliated with them for years.

What I will say is I have sources who to this day who have had negative experiences or dealings with them. Simply put, The Moore Center is the largest area agency for Medicaid Waiver services for the state of New Hampshire, but acts as a charity organization instead.

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“It’s too like Laconia” – Is Community Based Supports a Reversed “Cookie Cuttered” System?

I’m going to pop a question: Is “Community Based Supports” just a glorified word for a reversed cookie-cuttered system?

I’m not an advocate, but I am active in the special needs community more than I have before. Some families have opted to keep their children or individuals to be in what some will say it resembles of Laconia State School. It’s even scandalous to the point where the Bureau of Developmental Services will question families or agencies because the federal funds are supposed to be used in “community based supports.”

But why in the hell are we telling families what they can or cannot do? Isn’t just as bad if authorities tell every family to put their able bodied child into an institution because that’s a one sized fits all?

The problem with the group-think of the out of state special interest groups, is families can have a “choice” but that “choice” may differ to what the family feels living in their own closed-minded community.

It is very important to focus on the state I live in, and that Pittsburg is very diferent to Salem; just like how Claremont is very different to say Dover. The problem is all the “progressive”, “let’s take down Laconia like places for our own political capital!” doesn’t go well for the entire state.

The progressive movement will refuse to believe any “regressive” agendas (such as lack of training, tolerance or understanding) in actually the largest communities in the state, just an hour north of the Boston, Massachusetts city line.

And that’s the real problem. People can talk all day about forcing other adults to accept autistics, but the problem is you cannot, and will not change a vast majority of adults of how they view developmentally disabled people. 

Also many autistics, or Dev Disabled people, stick to their own group. If they feel comfortable being in their own groups (say a Special Olympics outing/event), then why are you insisting that’s “not good enough”?

Sadly a lot of this agenda comes from the many special interest groups, which I’ll leave nameless, but any of them on US302, NH Route 3 and the side streets of Downtown Concord, which I think you got the picture.

Divided Special Needs “Teams” = Hopeless Autistics

I laugh about how there are IEP “team meetings” because in reality, there apparently is an “I” in the word team.

At least on the special ed level, and least in some areas in the Granite State.

Again in some areas, the culture in the special ed system, is all about silos, firewalls and safety mechanisms to protect each others interest. Unless you have the luxury of having an advocate involved, you’re out of luck.

I really am saddened how the New Hampshire special education and special needs system is all political. Sadly in your child’s live its not like Speaker of the House Tip O’Neil (D, Mass) and President Ronald Reagan (R) where they had differences, but worked in the best interest of the United States. On a very nano level, an IEP team is more divided than a political caucus. What’s more disturbing is the politics are more divisive when the child is in that grey years of 18 to 21.

There is no such thing as unity, unification, a common goal for the individual themselves. It’s political exploitation, manipulation and not enforcing basic IDEA rights and getting away with it only because the family is too ignorant or too poor to take legal action. Perhaps being too scared for recourse by the school systems.

This type of division I am a victim of. I use present tense, because the chars of glass that was broken in the high school years have not been put fully back together.

The system is broken. We need to stop having the professionals think about what they want from the child, and be open to what child or family wants. The disruption to the existing system should’ve began 10 to 15 years ago, but of course, politics stalled this. Now we need to enforce this disruption of service delivery so this nightmare of hopeless autistics can stay as a bad dream instead.

The New “Evil”

I have a very dark prediction that in about 5 years, we will have a new “evil”. Not just ISIS or Al-Queda on steroids. But something not in the traditional sense of “evil”, but something north of bad—. We have more people more careless, more thoughtless, less accountable people than ever before.


It’s the rise of the “professional class” or anything of a 4 to 6 year degrees of college educated people. They aren’t taught to have common sense, and they are taught to read the books, and whatever the books say must be true. Meanwhile these “professionals” are believing in the gunk as described yesterday and now these “professionals” who are taught to be “objective”, to “not have emotions” to “protect ones privacy” and to have hands-off approach to these most vulernable citizens of our society are the ones that will screw up our children more than to help!

White collared crime is on the rise. They see someone in pain, but because they tout “That’s not my job”, or “that’s out of my pay grade”, “it’s not in my job title”, and its this arrogance I’ve previously described, college educated, and indoctrinated to be a “professional”, and they just let a person like me crash down to the ground being psychologically kicked around by other “professionals” and say “well that’s not my job” and go home and not have any remorse. If I can use an example, my high school teacher fit this narrative perfectly.

It’s not to say that all professionals are bad. It’s not to say that there are people who work in the corner-suite of the local SAU or “central” offices and not having to be around, or be disrupted by people acting out. They can sit there, shuffle papers, answer phone calls, send emails and have no duty to go to the schools and see the problems they create.

“Professionals” are no different than the crooks who destroyed Enron or even someone like a Bernie Madoff. I’d bet some special ed management even said things in an interview with a tone like Jeff Skilling: “I’m f—–g smart!”

Some people may think I have some conspircary theory, that the school and special needs systems are out to get Steven A specifically. No only criminal systems are out to get people by specific names. All I’m saying there were many, many people involved in my schooling, and yet they really did nothing to stop the bleeding. I assume Concord had known me by name, but they don’t oversee things unlike the adult system under DHHS.

These people have gotten away with doing harm and evil with me, and yet they continue to lurk in the public sector of the New Hampshire School Administrative Units and the Public Schools in Massachusetts. Who will try these people to hell? Are they too scared? Or they think it won’t happen politically?

Something needs to be done.

The Breakup of my Nero Peers

In recent years, i have severed ties with any of my friends of my schools I went to. they were all special needs, almost all of them on some form of the autism disorders, some were Down’s. The reason why I had to was the following

  • They had social problems, more obvious than mine, because I tried to hide it
  • They were needy, or looked like they couldn’t be as independent compared to normal people
  • They lived in “ghetto” neghiboods like Lawrence, Haverhill or Lowell, Lawrence typically is the most “ghetto” outside of Boston
  • They were on the lowest end of the social economic scale. Not saying it was wrong, but many were on welfare – which puts them on the lowest end of the pole. They never had a consistent telephone number, they could never remember their password to their email address, and because of that, they needed another Facebook account to access it

Now, I must be an oxymoron because I feel like I been looked down by the upper middle class, but this case is different. The reasons I just explained would make someone like me “weaker” than them. Now an argument could be made, well they might perceive me as a “normal” guy; but that’s pressuring to deal with that perception. I also had problems on Facebook with some of these people befriending people they didn’t know on my other side of the “normal” social circle of mine – of which put my reputation at risk.
It was hard to do, but I don’t hold any regrets. These people held me back instead of moving forward. For me to try to at least have a fair shot, this was the best option. I don’t hold any regrets.

Special Needs “Professionals” = Bad Matches

As I have mentioned earlier on, I am trying OKCUPID for the remainder of the year. I am so sick and disgusted at the many users that have professional experience with special needs. You might be asking why I am bitching about this? It’s because these people often have self-esteem issues, and if they are having trouble dealing with these people during their day job -then why in the fuck do they want to fuck around with them off the clock?
Yes its cool that there are more and more people being open to these people, but the other issue, is that many of these ladies (and guys, but they aren’t relevant for this post) are probably are going to get “burned out” and then some.
I think I have been cursed since my first day of existence for any romantic or hell any possible relationships.