Newtown Tragedy – Perspective

It has been 2 days since the gunman killed almost 2 dozen children and 5 women in a “little town” in a Connecticut Elementary school. I would like to take a few minutes to break some things down.

  • This morning, details about the “mother” of the gunman killed in one of the classrooms turns out she didn’t work for that school. Yesterday, it was believed  that she was a temp employee. So now knowing that he didn’t kill his mother; what made him go there?
  • The medical examination believes that the children had died on impact given how little they were and how one bullet or so could take them out entirely
  • And this gunman had blown the glass on the door to get in since the school was locked shut unless you have a key card, or you don’t look like that dude when you appear on the CCTV camera.

These sorts of questions are a big mystery, and since he killed himself, it makes the investigation a little more difficult.
RELATED: Original thoughts on the Tragedy in Connecticut.
What made him kill? What was so wrong at home for him to blow peoples heads off? Why did he pull triggers instead of doing a hostage situation, which could had been less life threatening?
What is worse is schools will have to ether make their buildings more bullet-proof (translation: becoming corrections facilities). The SWAT teams wouldn’t work because he already killed tons of  people prior to their arrival.
The acts against the most youngest people in society is just sad.
Not to minimize this story, but I do doubt about how the media has described this “small town” in the New York Tristate area. Since most of the media is from New York, apparently their scalability of communities is much different than my perception. Newtown has 27,000 or so people. That is same (or similar) for towns like North Andover, Massachusetts;  Londonderry, New Hampshire and Attleboro, Massachusetts.  Such towns typically (at least the one I’ve mentioned)  have a significant school aged population and/or is a “bedroom community” as the media have described about  Newtown.  I’ve heard descriptions such as “everyone knew by name”. But this “tight-knit” might be describing how the entire town knew the principal at Sandy Hook Elementary instead of knowing their neighbors or socializing in the local stores, etc.
The “small town” part should be taken with skepticism.
The definition of the “small town” has gone away sadly to say at least around here. When I was growing up, I was under the impression the “small town.” I was living in was what my family described, and it turns out I was mislead. It was in the past, not in the present! I love the ideal of a “small town”, a community that isn’t so judgmental, or they at least talk to you, and they don’t mind their business and they know you by name. Where I live, the neighbors around me are much older, and grew up in the town that was once a real “small town”. Today it has changed, I won’t go into details since it would be improper, but it will give me an idea to write in the future.