Finally Saw The #WindsorGirl…AGAIN

A Continuation of a saga of a cutie at a chain boutique store, and a follow up in the search for her

“I was having a bad morning and seeing you made my day” stated Kayla

July 1st

I had a Zoom session with my therapist who became mine following the events in the first year of the Hopeless Autistic. One of the things he wished we talked about more was girls, relationships sex or other things of this nature. Due to the recent events, and I only see him virtually on a monthly basis, that such subject was brought up. The day before, I brought this up to my friend whose doing respite, who formerly worked at my day program as a DSP. Both agreed the approach and my respite pal was agreeing that the only way to flirt is trial by error. This is unfortunately the situation so many are in.

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The Saga with the #WindsorGirl

Part of an ongoing series

A couple Days later

Again on the theme of preventing transactional relationships, I bought an accessory and left not to long later as I didn’t see her, only because that first day was more of the browse, then this day would be the “shop” (I know cash in more time with sales associates!) Again as I have learned, the only way you can test relationships is not to buy anything at every time. For a learned lesson, consult the Buying My Way to Female Affection.

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The Ongoing Story of Your’s Truly and a #WindsorGirl

I have discussed this girl since my first run in with this apparent sales associate Windsor – that chain boutique store at an area mall. Stories with Cuties At Malls have lead to dead ends, especially when seasons changed, almost literally. In fact, I got word in my second encounter she may end in a similar way unless I get more creative and and to chase her out of their doors! The story featured here doesn’t just take place at the mall, it goes back to the situations with my family since the spring. People who know me the closest should not be surprised I am really “Shopping for a Cutie”.

These narratives also should be a guideline on how to flirt appropriately with the presumed opposite gender that is female as apparently autistics are incels! I do not take any responsibility for others using my advice improperly. I outline explicitly how to get a girl to truly like you for both your feminine sympathy and some masculine energy.

In fact there is a video on this as a theory I posted half way between the first time I saw her, and the second time, which was over a month and a half apart!

There’s a lot of risk taking, just socializing with anyone is a risk, let alone opening up. it wasn’t even ten years or so ago, where guy going in a predominately female boutique store would be considered to be a creep factor. Young women from that time, would have their guards up. Flirting in even the sexual sense can be done without even being implicit, making a girl happy is what matters. I will explain this on each instance this girl is the subject.

The Windsor girl is cute, but her personality was as important as her looks. For all I know she has a boyfriend, or she may just engage on the surface. This story might be the end as I think it may be developing.

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