The Decline of Marriage

A few weeks ago, Vice President Joe Biden pulled one of the many big political gaffes to date by declaring the Obama administration’s support for same sex marriage without consulting with them before he went on live TV a few Sundays ago. He talked about it on  Meet the Press, meanwhile a few days later, President Obama said he’s for same-sex marriage, while he had said in the 2008 campaign, that marriage is between a man and a woman and being against it.
Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs, does a segment called “Chalk Talk” on his show on that network. This segment shows him writing figures on a chalk board showing the statistics  gay marriage and the real numbers of heterosexual marriage going down.
I’ve noticed there is a divorce rate of families with special needs are pretty high, and never mind the 80% divorce rate of high functioning autistic population (mostly aspergers) so I wonder if its not really gays that are degrading instead that it might be caused the autistic population or people, familes of diasbled people.
I am the last person in the world to blur gays and autism together as one group, I’ll leave that to WrongPlanet, Alex Plank and the thousands of sick lefties to blur them together.
However, I think the world is degrading pretty fast.

Autism Awareness Month: A Post on WrongPlanet

From this blog’s inception, this is the first time I will be referencing one of the most weirdest of weird wide websites. I am talking about is a site for people (primarily with) Asperger Syndrome. The site is based and located here in the States however many (nearly 8 to 2 margin) of people located outside this country. They have a strong anti-American bias, a strong liberal bias (beyond progressive or the Moonbat status) and hatred to conservatives, or not even that anything traditional. When it comes to religion, its all virtually all hate to Christianity. And when it comes to tech, its all about Linux (then Mac OS then Windows), because according to those smartasses you can do everything on an operating system that lacks charisma.
Many of the users have “self diagnosed” themselves, another trait about the alleged cases of AS. If you think I was smart, well then I would be dumb when you would read posts after posts of extreme intelligence.  I should also add many users are from “university”. So many of these people were probably socially weird and then they got a label to then define themselves.
Be careful if you ever go on there, there are some fiftysomething creeps on there.
WrongPlanet a few years ago, like this blog, was very critical of Autism Speaks. However as Autism Speaks realized they kinda went too harsh against the higher functioning autism, they started to partner with WrongPlanet. I bet it was the money talks, bleep walks. In anyway, my respect to WrongPlanet stopped after realizing that high functioning autism according to Autism Speaks was part of Asperger Syndrome.
In anyway we have more to blame the shame of Autism. Thanks WrongPlanet!