Editorial Note: The title has “Autism/Spectrum Disorder” because I use it interchangeably since many just use “Autism” instead these days
Gonna miss those hated Boomers when they pass on.
The younger generation (when I say “young” I say under 55. The prospects are not looking good for typical minded people as I fear they don’t want me to exist.
Gen X (the alleged Forgotten Generation) 1965-1981
Generation X was coined because they weren’t sure how to name the thirteenth generation. Struggled during the 1970s under inflationary pressures, mixed in with no-fault divorce, and other turbulent times, Xers became adults at 12, and kept to themselves into the 80s and 90s. They loved Ronald Regan’s pro-growth economic agenda (that gave everyone Black Monday, the dot-com bubble and the 2008 Financial Crisis.
Gen X was also the generation where their offsprings were cursed with a vaccine injury known as Autism. Most of this population are in the Gen Z group. Ironically no one really talks about anyone injured with a vaccine in the 1980s babies. Regardless Gen X’s favorite film Rain Man, mixed in with their technical training on the IBM 5150 in high school, these hopeless people thought they didn’t need no stinkin education, it’s all on Google. Xers listened to their sisters like Jenny McCarthy and believed their kids autism was caused by vaccines Continue reading