Pension Reform – the Girlie/"Gay"/Conservative Way

A few days ago, the State of Illinois approved pension reform to the state’s public sector employees. However the distraction to the story by a attention grabbing conservative in the state’s legislature. The man, Illinois State Representative, Mike Bost (R) droped an f-bomb, threw papers and YELLED to the top of his lungs and made a big immature scene with no one doing CPI holds (restraints) or any security officer taking him out or taking him to the “time out room” or anything that a 6 year old PDD student in a school would get disciplined for with a similar behavior.
Now why in the hell did no one call the campus security and not pulling the man out, whom of which couldn’t keep a calm, cool and collective approach in their state house? Why didn’t the Illinois State Police not press charges against him? The politician I think from seeing the grainy picture might had been wearing some little girls bra underneath.  (just kidding.) Though acting like children or acting out like a PDD student in an out of district school program in a public arena is wrong. Especially as public leaders.
Now I am for any pension reform, but its unfortunate that most republican leaders have to act like desperate little girls and use emotion and act violent as you see in the video link to push politics. This is the same ideal of excessive emotions that the liberal moonbat mothers did in Concord a month ago so.
If I were his colleagues, I would spank his rear end in public for acting like a 6 year old PDD kid for that immature behavior. I wouldn’t get away doing that (especially in closed-minded state where I live in.) I only applaud for his reform, but his delivery FAILED. We shouldn’t applaud his immature, girly behavior.
Note: I used “Gay” in quotes on the title, in the sense that some “conservatives” are acting like transsexual women like the emotions. John Boehner was the prime example last year where he couldn’t stop crying in public.

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