A “true friend”

Another fillin post as I am dealing with personal issues that needs focus. Hopefully I’ll be back writing soon.
This was modified from an original post from my former MySpace account dated from a couple of years ago, I cleaned it up for a general audience and for relevancy.
A “true friend”…
Knows who to call you, (i.e. nickname vs. given name, etc.)
Knows where you live
Knows your birthday
Knows your number
And someone who keeps those things offline (like a Rolodex, calendar or Outlook for that manner; other than relying a social networking system) or by heart
That shares a decent amount of interests as you (60% common)
That isn’t always about “themselves”, but tries to reciprocate
That is willing go to places that you want to go likewise in a decent timely manner (i.e. 48 hours or longer in advance)
That won’t treat you like crap
Whose not a narcissist
Whose education doesn’t matter
Whose not in a local “garage band”
Whose not a party animal beyond the indecent level
Someone who will get back to you in a timely manner (at least up to 48 hours or 2 days)
Someone who doesn’t brag about their UNH (or any university) days
Someone who will put you higher up in their social queues
Someone who isn’t so rigid or high strung all the time
Someone who will standby you no manner how crazy you are thinking
Someone who knows you so well that they can sort out each others bullshit
Someone who has personality, and a human touch
A person that can laugh,
A person with a soft, warm and furry inside
A person that will believe in what you say, and not think you are talking out of your ass
A person that likes things what a vast majority of people like.
And you’ll know if its true when the ones that save you from a burning building (in a figurative sense) – that would define true friendship.
If a friend’s relationship is really true and sincere, you wouldn’t be complaining much about them
And lastly, a true friend shouldn’t be defined on a social networking site. It should be defined as a face to face; however if it isn’t always the case, then it can be other e-messaging, email, text or voice terminal conversation.

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