The Ideal Girl, part two

My Ideal Girl - coming on Thursday
My folks have been laxed about neatness and being “neat” etc. My mother and grandmother (to a larger degrree) are very OCD about neatness and self appearence. It drives me nuts how my mother is so obsessive about lets say a new piece of furniture and trying to keep it pristine as possible. I can understand, if you paid a pretty penny, etc. But at some point, it would make one crazy if you are trying to preserve something to “look good”
My mother gets after me if I don’t wipe off crumbs on my face if I had ate something. So bad, she like gets impatient if its been stuck there like 5-100ths a second! Well on the flip side, its crazy seeing my mother clean her face like every 10 seconds and how hard she presses with her napkin at the dinner table!
So my ideal girl would be not so OCD about her appearance. Not saying that anyone should be in a relationship with a girl that’s messy, because no girl wants a messy. I’d love a girl who just doesn’t care. I guess I’m just crazy to find a girl that would understand how complicated it is to be “neat”.

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